Doctor Jung's Remedies and Potions

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Doctor Jung's Remedies
and Potions
Canthan trader m purple.jpg
Affiliation Canthans
Type Human
Profession Warrior Warrior
Service Collector
Level(s) 20
Campaign Factions

Doctor Jung's Remedies and Potions is a collector, a type of NPC that exchanges trophies for items.



Quests involved in:



"You, there! Try a bit of Doctor Jung's Blood Purifier! The first taste is free! Doctor Jung's Blood Purifier cures hiccups, acne, Warrior's foot, dropsy, inflammation, plague, depression, indigestion, constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. For just 2 Naga Pelts, I will give you the following:"

Items offered[edit]

Item Materials required
Plague Remedy 2 Naga Pelts
