Feedback:User/Skye Marin/Fixing Luxon / Kurzick queues for FA, JQ, and AB

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Currently, there are many more players allied to the Kurzicks than the Luxons. This is most apparent inside competitive missions, like Alliance Battles, where Kurzick players have to wait in a long queue before being able to play a match, while Luxon players can get a match right away.

There are several downsides to this. First of all, waiting is not fun, which should be obvious. Secondly, many players who wait in the queue tend to AFK, and forget about the match completely. This means than Kurzicks are at a disadvantage in the case of AFKers, which is not uncommon. Also, a long queue puts off many players, meaning the format as a whole it's enjoyed by as many people as it could be.

There are technical limitations, and resource limitations that prevent some suggestions, like pulling multiple teams from the same Faction, and competing them against each other as a "training exercise", giving them the faction they would earn otherwise.

What I suggest is a single NPC that allows players to convert either Faction or Faction-materials to the other side's Faction type, at the cost of some gold or a skill point.

Sample dialouge:

Rogue Lorekeeper

"Times are tough I hear, and I'd like to propose a service. Some of my... clients are eager to boast about great trophies they have seized, or artifacts they have recovered. That is to say, they would have done these things, but haven't done much, except the boasting. Some other clients of mine want to make history what they say, and what do I have to say about that? History is written by those who win...

...and by those who get paid!

My proposition is simple. Allow me to re-assign some of your deeds from your aligned faction to their sworn enemies, and I'll return the favor. Keep in mind some coins might help grease the quills as well. If you want to throw in a particularly boastful tale for my patrons to keep for themselves, we could possibly waive the processing fee."

  • Exchange 5,000 Kurzick Faction and 100g for 5,000 Luxon Faction
  • Exchange 5,000 Luxon Faction and 100g for 5,000 Kurzick Faction
  • Exchange 10,000 Kurzick Faction and 1 skill point for 10,000 Luxon Faction
  • Exchange 10,000 Luxon Faction and 1 skill point for 10,000 Kurzick Faction

Faction Scavenger

"Jadeite... Amber... seems to be a profitable buisness, depending on what side of the collecting and trading you're on. Me and mine aren't the likely type to be daring some heroics for certain Pirates or Artsies around these parts. We aren't into heroics, but we do like the goods. We supply for both sides what one side has lots of, and the other side needs. If you're willing to donate to the cause, we're willing to make sure credit is given where its due. We'll need to use our skills to emphasize what was given by who... and be sure to neglect to mention the the how...

...and that's a skill for sale."

  • Exchange 1 Amber Chunk and 50g for 5,000 Luxon Title Progression Points.
  • Exchange 1 Jadeite Shard and 50g for 5,000 Kurzick Title Progression Points.

The suggestion posted here is simple, easy to implement, and would have some immediate benefits. Those with spare skill points will gladly form up to prevent waiting in queues. AFK rates will drop, and any existing farming imbalances will be eliminated.

If we introduce the second NPC, the price of Amber and Jade would go up because people could use them to directly progress a title. This would refresh the market for the items, and push more people to AB for the cash. It would improve meaningful rewards without inflation. Note that this is optional.

Most importantly, in regards to the queues, players would simply choose the path of least resistance, and just play the game.

Thanks!--Skye Marin 08:22, 24 September 2009 (UTC)