Raisu Palace (outpost)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an outpost. This name is also used for a mission, an explorable area, a Zaishen mission quest, and a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Raisu Palace
Raisu Palace.jpg
Campaign Factions
Region Kaineng City
Type Mission outpost
Party size 8
Exit(s) Raisu Pavilion

Emperor Senvho commissioned the rebuilding of Raisu Palace after it mysteriously burned to the ground in the year 1204, killing his father, Emperor Singtah. It took over 80 years to finish the construction on the elaborate palace, but once completed, it was considered the one great achievement of Emperor Senvho's reign.

— in-game description

Getting there[edit]



(all level 20)
Gw2logo.png The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on Raisu Palace.
Other services
Other allies

Towns and outposts in Kaineng City
Kaineng Center Dragon's Throat Imperial Sanctum Maatu Keep Nahpui Quarter Raisu Palace Senji's Corner Sunjiang District Tahnnakai Temple The Marketplace Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter) Vizunah Square (Local Quarter) Zin Ku Corridor
MissionsExplorable areasLandmarks