Shining Blade Guard (warrior)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the warrior Shining Blade Guard. For other professions, see Shining Blade Guard.
Shining Blade Guard
Shining Blade warrior.jpg
Affiliation Shining Blade
Type Human
Profession Warrior Warrior
Level(s) 15 (20)
Campaign Prophecies

Shining Blade Guards protect the perimeter of the Shining Blade camp, based in Talmark Wilderness.




Shining Blade camp
"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"
"How long before our enemies find us here? Have we been saved from the pot only to be thrown into the fire?"
"I'm proud to defend my nation, but my line of work sure can be grueling sometimes."
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure"
"It is an honor to meet you."
"It sure is humid today. I wonder if it's going to rain."
"Looks like it's going to rain."
"Oh, my aching feet."
"One little mistake! Now I'm stuck on guard duty."
"Strength and Honor!"
"The battle between the White Mantle and the Shining Blade will determine who rules Kryta."
"The White Mantle are the scourge of Tyria"
"There is no way we can lose the fight with heroes like you around. There is much for the Shining Blade to do before Kryta is once again at peace, but we will find a way."
"We cannot allow the White Mantle's reign to continue in Kryta."
"We may have lost some battles against the White Mantle, but the war is far from over."
"We seek to throw off the tyranny of the White Mantle. We are here because we believe in backing our beliefs with action. What more do you need to know? If you want speeches, you can listen to the White Mantle weave pretty little lies all day."
"We should have known the White Mantle were not what they seemed to be."
Lion's Arch Keep
"Is it odd that I feel less secure here in a fortress than I did in a tent out in the woods? I suppose when you're been fighting from the shadows for so long, you feel exposed when the enemy knows where to find you."
"The Lionguard barracks may not seem like much, but compared to a damp tent, it feels like a palace!"
"You can sure see into the distance from up here. Not that it will help when we're fighting invisible foes..."
Lion's Arch Keep (after the Battle for Lion's Arch)
"Livia's orders are clear: protect the queen at all costs."
"No harm shall come to the queen as long as I have air in my lungs and blood in my veins."
"I am sworn to protect the queen with my life."
"The White Mantle were one among many threats to the queen. I hope the others learn from their defeat. I'd hate to have to clean my blade again."