User:Lord Zepherr/The Ninth Zepherr

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User-Lord ZepherrThe Ninth Zepherr.jpg

               "Oh well, you wern't long for this world anyways"

The Ninth Zepherr was a sort of anomaly for Shing Jea Island. There was a day some time after the Tengu wars when sun rose not in it's normal golden color, but in a radiant silver sheen. On this all ritualist abilities seemed to shut off instantly, yet all manner of spirits rose out of nowhere and began to walk the human plain. After looking into scrolls recently found deep inside the monastery library, The scholars of Shing Jea discovered that this was the ninth recorded instance of the silver sun, the eighth, turning out to be the birth day of Master Togo. Then at 9:00 exactly the sun seemed to grow brighter, and the whole world was bathed in a great silver light for the blink of an eye before it was over. After this event the spirits were gone, the sun reverted back to it's normal golden skin, and ritualists reagianed all their powers. On the steps that led up to the monastary sat a child surrounded by the Spirit of a silver fox. As the scholars and togo approched the fox rose, and became a beautiful silver woman, seh said "This child has been sent to you on the day of the spirit sun. He has great potential, and will either end this worlds existence, or preserve it for millennia to come." And with that the woman dissapeared. The child was raised by Professor Gai and taught the ritualist arts. His prowess with a bow was soon discovered as well. Then as he grew he watched the near downfall of cantha, and vowed that while he lived it wouldn't happen again, he would make sure of that.