User:Xeeron/suggestions/PvP without the Heroes

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PvP without the Heroes (Discussion)[edit]

As I suggested on the page of Support Liaison Gaile Gray Heroes should not be allowed in PvP.
This because of their behaviour in pre protting/protecting a called target and their Interupts on Interupting skills.
This besides the fact Heroes have their own special arena to fight in, named Hero Battles.
The 2 PvP area's besides Hero Battles that allows Heroes at this moment, already have their own heroes. Like the Ghostly and the Guild Lord

Why this is a good idea
  •  It is called Player vs Player. There should be people behind every charater that you fight. These people might make mistakes that can allow you to win a match. Heroes very rarely make these kind of mistakes.
  •  It will give people the choice to run an 8 man party instead of being forced into a Player & Hero VS Player & Hero game.
  •  It will allow people to win games with different tactics and different play styles like spiking, Heavy pressure or balanced.

Why it may not work out
  •   Some people will complain about the changes made no matter what. Or that PvP is no more fun to do.
  •   It wil destroy the current meta game, this might make people quit the game.
  •   That's the point of this suggestion: Destroy meta-game.