Feedback talk:User/Atanna Charta/Remove Damage Type Changing Skills

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Well the funny thing is that those skills arn't used for their damage type change ability but for teardown. Staggering Force is primarily used for spreading cracked armor to increase damage while Dust Cloak is used to prevent damage and both skills don't last longer than 5 sec because they are removed as fast as they are applied. that also goes for all of the other damage type changing flash enchantments, they are used for teardown primarily. Well the exceptions are when facing undead or when Ebon Dust Aura and Grenth's Grasp are the elite skills and no ebon or icy mod is available. As with the avatars they are also used for their effects rather than the damage type converstion. And in the end it can be annoying to go up agaist but i doubt it will change due to the synergy the flash enchantments offer with the 2 elites i mentioned earlier and for the avatars to prevent synergy with skills like the conjure spells of the elementalist and skills such as Barbs and Mark of Pain. Also, there are other methods to reduce damage than xx AR vs damage type. Damysticreaper 11:12, 26 June 2011 (UTC)