Guild:Camelots Legends (historical)

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Camelots Legends [King]

Camelots Legends King
Guild Camelots Legends cape.jpg
Leader Bis Kreet
Faction Luxon
Type PvX
Guild Hall Isle of Solitude
VoIP camelot.


Camelot’s Legends was started as a Guild Wars Faction based guild and alliance leader by BisKreet in the late spring of 2007. The clan quickly grew in its ranks…

It soon came time for BisKreet to pass the leadership role on to other members… In 2008 upon the return of BisKreet the Guild was found to be in runes…

With the induction of Stabber the son of BisKreet a new era in leadership was established and the rebuilding of a guild.

Guild Format: Due to the possibility of disenchanted officers or spies booting members without consulting others in leadership we have always and will continue to run an all officer guild where all members have the same rank and say within the guild


We are always looking for good fighters and helpfulmembers. However we will not tolerate disrespect of other members.

Contact information

If you would like to contact us eMail us at In game any member can add you to the guild the member adding you may or may not ask for 100g to add you.

Camelots Legends Alliance
Leader Camelots Legends
Members Unknown

PvX guilds Recruiting PvX guilds