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Super happy fun cute

One of my favorite GWW edits ever

General McChrystal needs to fix his last name. Im tired of my spellcheck shitting its pants when I write a paper.

Why i'm not on here

If you replace the R with an M in Adrin you get Admin. Think about it

<politicalrant>If people want to complain about socialism, they have to mail all their bills and letters by FedEx for $10.00 overnight instead of $0.42. If their house is on fire, they have to check their wallets to see if they can afford the fire department. If they're broke, their kids dont get to go to elementary school. Oh, and their grandparents have to work till they're dead. If they do all that, feel free to complain... but if you want those things for free? Why defend health insurance companies literally killing people if they can't afford medical bills?</politicalrant>

My ign is "Redapplepeel" it's fun, play it

Yeah you can trust it to kill you.

Photoshop in a bottle!

LOL Yahoo


The grocery store clerk the other day said she doesnt like Peyton Manning because he looks like he's a pedophile.....

Sarah Palin is offended by Rahm Emmanuel calling liberals retarded because Sarah Palin is a retard.

It'd be ok for them to make this a micro-transaction game.... if it was free to download and play like other micro-transaction games.

Vince Carter hurt his shoulder playing basketball??? Good thing he doesn't play an actual contact sport.

Lets start the chant together! OPEN-SOURCE! OPEN-SOURCE! They need to add Pling Mastery to Guild Wars

Jimmy Wales is a tool

It's sad when i read this story and think of guild wars.

Note: Dragon age came first [1] [2]