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Basically, I'm sick of power creep and decided to come up with a rework to EVERY SINGLE SKILL to hopefully reset the power creep. I aim to change the functionality of skills as little as possible (to avoid pissing off people who use the skills), but attempt to remove the tendency for one attrib for each profession to suck outside of niches.

Overall, I have 3 main aims:

1) Make all skills and attributes viable. This does not necessarily mean that they're always good, but that they are usable in a build (or team) that is effective.

2) Remove the dependence on sheer damage that power creep has brought. There is an increasingly large reliance on big numbers these days, both in PVE and PVP. This annoys me. I want to try make it so that utility is valuable again.

3) Remove overpowered gimmicks. This includes Shadow Form, Hexway, UWSC and anything else that pisses me off. Some things migh survive in some form, but their ability to operate will be limited, they will be more vulnerable (to interrupts, spells, or damage), or they will require much more support from allies.

4) Change as little functionality as possible. I want to try change as little functionality as possible, instead changing the relative powers of the abilities to be more in line with each other.

5) Balance the game. The final point, and the most important. The idea is that by resetting everything to a new level simultaneously, it will mean that power creep is effectively reset. I like this idea.

Feel free to comment or add suggestions on any talk pages, but leave names please (IP addresses annoy me). Feel free to steal ideas and put them on other pages, but give me credit (they ARE my ideas).

Anything else, post on my talk page.