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 /**** Guild Wars Wiki Tools
  * (c) 2007 by Patrick Westerhoff [poke]
 addScript( 'User:Poke/GuildWarsWikiTools.js' );
 gwwtLoadAfter = function ()
  if ( wgAction == 'rollback' && document.getElementById( 'rollback-success' ) != null )
    window.location.href = wgServer + wgScript + '?title=' + wgPageName;
  // Custom links
  var portNav = new PortletArea( 'p-navigation' );
  portNav.addText( 'My Wiki Links' );
  portNav.addItem( null, 'Inactive Guilds', '/wiki/Guild_Wars_Wiki:List_of_inactive_guilds' );
  portNav.addItem( null, 'Projects', '/wiki/Guild_Wars_Wiki:Projects' );
  portNav.addItem( null, 'Categories', '/wiki/Guild_Wars_Wiki:Categorical_index' );
  portNav.addItem( null, 'New Guild Pages', '' );
  portNav.addItem( null, 'New Feeser Pages', '' );
 function clearRecentChanges ()
   if ( wgPageName !== 'Special:RecentChanges' )
     return false;
   var removeNames = [ 'Inspired', ];
   var removeWords = [ 'Ursan', 'ursan', ];
   var i, li, lis, xpath, remove = new Array();
   xpath  = '//div[@id="bodyContent"]//li[ ';
   xpath += 'contains( a[4]/@title, "' + removeNames.join( '" ) or contains( a[4]/@title, "' ) + '" ) or ';
   xpath += 'contains( a[1]/@title, "' + removeWords.join( '" ) or contains( a[1]/@title, "' ) + '" ) or ';
   xpath += 'contains( span[@class="comment"], "' + removeWords.join( '" ) or contains( span[@class="comment"], "' ) + '" ) ]';
   lis    = document.evaluate( xpath, document, null, 4, null );
   while( ( li = lis.iterateNext() ) )
     remove.push( li );
   while( ( li = remove.pop() ) )
     li.parentNode.removeChild( li );

var gwwtWatchlist = true;

function contribCount ()
   if ( wgNamespaceNumber < 100 )
     var itemNode = document.createElement( 'li' );
     itemNode.appendChild( document.createElement( 'a' ) );
     itemNode.lastChild.href  = 'javascript:addScript(\'User:Poke/GuildWarsWikiTools/ContributionCount.js\');void(0)';
     itemNode.lastChild.title = 'See this page on GuildWiki';
     itemNode.lastChild.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Cont' ) );
     document.getElementById( 'p-cactions' ).getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0].appendChild( itemNode );
 hookEvent( 'load', contribCount);