Dakari Olakunde
Dakari is from the Shona tribe of Zimbabwe and is given as a name to mean Happy or rejoice. Olakunde (oh-lah-koon-day) (From Yoruba tribe of Nigeria) is probably derived from Olokun who is considered the patron orisa (Spirit) of the descendants of Africans that were carried away during the Maafa, or what is sometimes referred to as the Transatlantic Slave Trade or Middle Passage. Olokun is personified in several human characteristics; patience, endurance, sternness, observation, meditation, appreciation for history, future visions, and royalty personified. Olokun also signifies unfathomable wisdom. That is, the instinct that there is something worth knowing, perhaps more than can ever be learned, especially the spiritual sciences that most people spend a lifetime pondering. Olokun also governs material wealth, psychic abilities, dreaming, meditation, mental health and water-based healing.