Feedback:Game updates

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Info-Logo.png Note: This is the feedback page for game updates. To provide feedback on these updates that the Developers can use, please go to the talk page for the individual feedback listed on the right.

This list contains all recent updates as published by ArenaNet. If there are undocumented changes, they are listed in a section titled "Guild Wars Wiki notes" under the related update.

Update -- May 14, 2024

I want to add some clarity around our policy regarding addons. Our general policy is to prohibit addons that provide a player with an advantage over another player. To increase the specificity of this policy with respect to GW1, I want to make it clear that using any addon in PVP violates the policy.

Using addons always has risk. ArenaNet does not support any of these tools and using one can cause undefined behavior, especially now that there are more internal changes being made to the game. That said, I have been in contact with the GwToolbox developers. They have worked on a new interface to the game that should be more resilient to changes. And I asked them to ensure that Toolbox is not active in PVP maps which they have also done. As such, GwToolbox in its current state is permitted for use in PVE maps, though ArenaNet reserves the right to change this determination in the future.

We plan on adding this policy clarification to ArenaNet’s Code of Conduct in the coming weeks. As a side note, I am aware that there is an outdated user agreements in the GW1 client and am working on updating it to match the current agreements, which are available at

"PVP Maps" includes at least the following competitive maps and their lobbies:

Thanks for your attention,

Stephen Clarke-Willson, Game Director, Guild Wars

Guild Wars Wiki notes

Update -- May 3, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Update -- May 2, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Update -- May 1, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Update -- April 22, 2024

Happy 19th Anniversary!

As many of you know, I've been part-time game director, programmer, janitor, etc., for Guild Wars since 2018. I'm happy to report that starting two weeks ago my time allocated to Guild Wars changed from 10% to 80%. I'm very excited to focus much more of my time on Guild Wars. I'd like to thank the studio leadership for working with me to figure out how to allocate my previous duties and roles to other staff. I'd also like to give a shout-out to other long-tenured staff in the company who have helped me with their knowledge of how and why things work the way they do in Guild Wars.

I'd like to set your expectations appropriately - there is still a lot of work to do on our back-end systems so not everything I do will be visible to players. But I'm happy to say I've recently spent more time in-game and fixed some long-standing problems. The game is still in "maintenance mode" and there are no plans for new content. That said, I hope to improve your overall experience with Guild Wars and I'll see you in game!

Stephen Clarke-Willson Game Director, Guild Wars

See also