Guild:Ice Champion Elite

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Dwayna mural (Gandara).jpg
Aion Wings.png
About Us
Ice Champion Elite [ICE]
Guild Ice Champion Elite cape.jpg
Territory America
Language English
Leader Ranger With Ice Bow
Faction Kurzick.png Kurzick
Type PvP
No. of members 60+
Guild Hall Frozen Isle
VoIP Raid Call
Time zone USA Time Zones

ICE is a social RA based guild we like to talk in chat, help each other, make new friends and learn new things. Most of us are very experienced and waiting on the release Guild Wars 2. We use Raid Call for tactical playing purposes as well as socializing with allies.

Aegis of Unity.png

At ICE we welcome all people who are active, mature, social and willing to participate in chat and Raid Call. We welcome people who are new to the game as well as those who have played for years, but we are actively seeking members with experience in game play.

Scriptures of Abaddon.png
Guild Schedule

ICE currently does not have a set guild schedule. Depending on the Season, Day, Zaishen Quests, and the current level of boredom many members may choose to group and play Ra as well as other forms of PvP and a few do the occasional PvE thing or two. Our Goals: Continue to pursue excellence, build an elite core of players, help members to achieve their goals, grow our membership, and keep the guild active and fun for as long as ArenaNet keeps maintaining the servers.

Celestial Sigil.png
Contact Information


Glob of Ectoplasm.png Ranger With Ice Bow

Ice Battling another ranger:


Glob of Ectoplasm.png Mr Trolololol
Glob of Ectoplasm.png Yes Run From Me

Miniature Yakkington.png
Nicholas The Traveler

Zaishen Key.png
Zaishen Quests


Extra Luck Bonus

The road ahead is filled with opportunity! Keys and lockpicks drop at four times the usual rate, and you'll receive double lucky and unlucky points all week long. Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

Random Arenas Bonus

Are you ready to face any challenge? Receive double Balthazar faction and double Gladiator title points while fighting in Random Arenas! Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

I Have a New Key

If you've just purchased a Guild Wars product, click on the 'Create Account or Add Access Key' link in the login dialog to add your new access key.

Game Updates

Update -- May 14, 2024

I want to add some clarity around our policy regarding addons. Our general policy is to prohibit addons that provide a player with an advantage over another player. To increase the specificity of this policy with respect to GW1, I want to make it clear that using any addon in PVP violates the policy.

Using addons always has risk. ArenaNet does not support any of these tools and using one can cause undefined behavior, especially now that there are more internal changes being made to the game. That said, I have been in contact with the GwToolbox developers. They have worked on a new interface to the game that should be more resilient to changes. And I asked them to ensure that Toolbox is not active in PVP maps which they have also done. As such, GwToolbox in its current state is permitted for use in PVE maps, though ArenaNet reserves the right to change this determination in the future.

We plan on adding this policy clarification to ArenaNet’s Code of Conduct in the coming weeks. As a side note, I am aware that there is an outdated user agreements in the GW1 client and am working on updating it to match the current agreements, which are available at

"PVP Maps" includes at least the following competitive maps and their lobbies:

Thanks for your attention,

Stephen Clarke-Willson, Game Director, Guild Wars

Guild Wars Wiki notes

Update -- May 3, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Update -- May 2, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Dwayna mural (Ascalon).jpg

Ice Champion Elite Alliance
Leader Ice Champion Elite
Members Makers Of Mortality • Mortal Evolution Of War • The Clockwork Arcadia • The Guardians Of The Blade • We Pew Pew Like James Bond