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function Vector(inc) { if (inc == 0) { inc = 100; } /* Properties */ = new Array(inc); this.increment = inc; this.size = 0; /* Methods */ this.getCapacity = getCapacity; this.getSize = getSize; this.isEmpty = isEmpty; this.getLastElement = getLastElement; this.getFirstElement = getFirstElement; this.getElementAt = getElementAt; this.addElement = addElement; this.insertElementAt = insertElementAt; this.removeElementAt = removeElementAt; this.removeAllElements = removeAllElements; this.indexOf = indexOf; this.contains = contains this.resize = resize; this.toString = toString; this.sort = sort; this.trimToSize = trimToSize; this.clone = clone; this.overwriteElementAt; } // getCapacity() -- returns the number of elements the vector can hold function getCapacity() { return; } // getSize() -- returns the current size of the vector function getSize() { return this.size; } // isEmpty() -- checks to see if the Vector has any elements function isEmpty() { return this.getSize() == 0; } // getLastElement() -- returns the last element function getLastElement() { if ([this.getSize() - 1] != null) { return[this.getSize() - 1]; } } // getFirstElement() -- returns the first element function getFirstElement() { if ([0] != null) { return[0]; } } // getElementAt() -- returns an element at a specified index function getElementAt(i) { try { return[i]; } catch (e) { return "Exception " + e + " occured when accessing " + i; } } // addElement() -- adds a element at the end of the Vector function addElement(obj) { if(this.getSize() == { this.resize(); }[this.size++] = obj; } // insertElementAt() -- inserts an element at a given position function insertElementAt(obj, index) { try { if (this.size == this.capacity) { this.resize(); } for (var i=this.getSize(); i > index; i--) {[i] =[i-1]; }[index] = obj; this.size++; } catch (e) { return "Invalid index " + i; } } // removeElementAt() -- removes an element at a specific index function removeElementAt(index) { try { var element =[index]; for(var i=index; i<(this.getSize()-1); i++) {[i] =[i+1]; }[getSize()-1] = null; this.size--; return element; } catch(e) { return "Invalid index " + index; } } // removeAllElements() -- removes all elements in the Vector function removeAllElements() { this.size = 0; for (var i=0; i<; i++) {[i] = null; } } // indexOf() -- returns the index of a searched element function indexOf(obj) { for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++) { if ([i] == obj) { return i; } } return -1; } // contains() -- returns true if the element is in the Vector, otherwise false function contains(obj) { for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++) { if ([i] == obj) { return true; } } return false; } // resize() -- increases the size of the Vector function resize() { newData = new Array( + this.increment); for (var i=0; i<; i++) { newData[i] =[i]; } = newData; } // trimToSize() -- trims the vector down to it's size function trimToSize() { var temp = new Array(this.getSize()); for (var i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++) { temp[i] =[i]; } this.size = temp.length - 1; = temp; } // sort() - sorts the collection based on a field name - f function sort(f) { var i, j; var currentValue; var currentObj; var compareObj; var compareValue; for(i=1; i<this.getSize();i++) { currentObj =[i]; currentValue = currentObj[f]; j= i-1; compareObj =[j]; compareValue = compareObj[f]; while(j >=0 && compareValue > currentValue) {[j+1] =[j]; j--; if (j >=0) { compareObj =[j]; compareValue = compareObj[f]; } }[j+1] = currentObj; } } // clone() -- copies the contents of a Vector to another Vector returning the new Vector. function clone() { var newVector = new Vector(this.size); for (var i=0; i<this.size; i++) { newVector.addElement([i]); } return newVector; } // toString() -- returns a string rep. of the Vector function toString() { var str = "Vector Object properties:\n" + "Increment: " + this.increment + "\n" + "Size: " + this.size + "\n" + "Elements:\n"; for (var i=0; i<getSize(); i++) { for (var prop in[i]) { var obj =[i]; str += "\tObject." + prop + " = " + obj[prop] + "\n"; } } return str; } // overwriteElementAt() - overwrites the element with an object at the specific index. function overwriteElementAt(obj, index) {[index] = obj; } var expdate = new Date(); expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365)); function getCookie(name) { var dcookie = document.cookie; var cname = name + "="; var clen = dcookie.length; var cbegin = 0; while (cbegin < clen) { var vbegin = cbegin + cname.length; if (dcookie.substring(cbegin, vbegin) == cname) { var vend = dcookie.indexOf (";", vbegin); if (vend == -1) vend = clen; return unescape(dcookie.substring(vbegin, vend)); } cbegin = dcookie.indexOf(" ", cbegin) + 1; if (cbegin == 0) break; } return null; } function setCookie (name, value, expires) { if (!expires) expires = new Date(); document.cookie = name + '=' + escape (value) + '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString() + '; path=/'; } function delCookie (name) { var expireNow = new Date(); document.cookie = name + "=" + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + "; path=/"; } function setCookieArray(name){ this.length = setCookieArray.arguments.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i + 1] = setCookieArray.arguments[i + 1] setCookie (name + i, this[i + 1], expdate); } } function getCookieArray(name){ var i = 0; while (getCookie(name + i) != null) { this[i + 1] = getCookie(name + i); i++; this.length = i; } } function delCookieArray(name){ var i = 0; while (getCookie(name + i) != null) { var newname = name + i; delCookie(newname); i++; this.length = i; } } function cookieVector(name) { this.vector = Vector(0); this.vecName = name; this.addCookie = addCookie; } function getTitle() { return this.vecName; } function addCookie(value) { addElement(value); setCookie (this.vecName + indexOf(value), value, expdate); } function getURL(uri) { var sizeOf = location.href.length; uri.dir = location.href.substring(0, sizeOf); uri.array = uri.dir.split("/"); var arraySize = uri.array.length; uri.pagename = ""; uri.namespace = new String(); for(var i = 3; i <= arraySize-1; i++) { if(i==arraySize-1){ uri.pagename = uri.pagename+uri.array[i]; } else { uri.pagename = uri.pagename+uri.array[i]+"/"; } } var isGWW = uri.array[2].indexOf(""); var isGWIKI = uri.array[2].indexOf(""); if (isGWW != -1 ) { uri.thisSite = "GWW" }; if (isGWIKI != -1 ) {uri.thisSite = "GWIKI" }; return uri; } //MyWikiLinks - adapted from Rein of Terror's original tool at [[User:Rein Of Terror/MyWikiLinks]] cookieVector('links'); var uri = new Object(); getURL(uri); function MWL() { var links = ''; for(var i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) { links += '<li id=\><a href=\"/wiki/'+getElementAt(i)+'\">'+getElementAt(i)+'</a></li>' } document.getElementById('p-navigation').innerHTML += '</div>'+'<p>'+ '<div id=p-my wiki links=portlet>'+ '<h5>'+getTitle()+'</h5>'+ '<div class=pBody><ul>'+ '--<a href=javascript:addCookie(uri.pagename)>TEST</a>'+ links+ '</ul></div></div>'; // Adding link to user js for convenience. addPortletLink('p-personal', 'http:/wiki/Special:Mypage/monobook.js', 'javascript', '', '', ''); } addOnloadHook(MWL);