User:Dandy/The Aelianic mythology

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The Aelianic mythology[edit]

The Aelianic mythology doesn't tell how it all came about, but it is certain that the stars and planets came when Nhidaarxuss, the World Chicken, all-mother, laid the planets, which one day will hatch and the human world as it is will end. Skeptics of this theory say that space is too cold for the majority of the eggs to hatch, and only those planets that are close to the stars, which are said to be chicks, have the opportunity to hatch.

The Aelianic mythology has existed (on Tellus), as long as there have been people on earth. During the middle ages, however, the religion went almost entirely underground, largely because of a secret war against the Catholic Inquisition, and membership is growing slowly to attain its previous percentage of the "world"'s population.

In the Aelianic mythology, occultism is in a very central position, and in some sects the seven princes of hell are openly worshiped - these demon's roots go deeper in history than Christianity, and there is always a little truth in all legends. A lot in these cases. The word "demon" has two meanings in the Aelianic mythology: a demigod, or man's inner spirit, from the Greek "daemon".

Aelianic humanism is the most common direction of the mythology. This direction emphasizes freedom of the individual, knowledge, common sense, and a generally ethical life. Before the Middle Ages, Leviathan's cult was by far the largest, but persecution and an excessive number of fanatical human sacrifice, ironically, to provide protection from persecution, destroyed the cult almost completely.

Modern supporters have presented the theory that global warming is caused by demons for the planet to achieve a suitable temperature for the egg to be hatched in. Beelzebul, the lord of flies, has his own apocalyptic cult following him, trying to advance global warming for the egg to be hatched. The lord of plague and disease would be very pleased would humanity be destroyed and rot away. The cult is one of the largest in the Aelianic mythology and has several meaningful supporters, especially in North American, Chinese and Arabian industry. The whole industrialization is said to be caused alone by the Beelzebulian cult.

The Aelianic faith has in recent years sought more publicity, but still holds a very negative image because of a few fanatical groups, like Islam. Terrorism doesn't take place at all, even though several attacks on Mother Gaia can be added to Aelian's account, including the destruction of the majority of the Amazon rainforest and North American redwood trees.

The Aelianic faith is openly tolerant towards all religions. Aelian's don't require a lot of their members, but supporters follow a communist system where all property is shared for the greater good. The strong peer pressure within the religious community also leads to a strict moral code, and to leave the cult is punishable by beheading.