ArenaNet talk:Developer updates/20090206

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As usual, everything they said in the dev update was unenlightened and/or wrong. ~Shard User Shard Sig Icon.png 02:53, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

"Assassins and Dervishes get unique, important functionalities from their elite skills." Really? I've not seen any "important functionalities" from these professions in PvP besides Palm Strike and Wounding Strike. But those aren't really important as much as spammable.
"This change shouldn't hinder Assassin primaries because most strong Assassin builds do not use any secondary profession skills. " Lol What? I seem to have forgotten that IAS can only come from another profession if you're running this elite.
From "A character's secondary profession (or secondary) provides them with a second set of attributes and skills to complement the first." Peace and Harmony, Mark of Insecurity, Signet of Humility O'Rly?
"A Necromancer secondary can't reach 13 Curses, so by default these skills become more powerful on a Necromancer primary than secondary. This was done to keep fast-casting Mesmer/Necromancers from being better at these skills than those who invested deeply in Curse attribute point allocation." Oh ANet I love how we know more than you, Awaken the Blood. And I'm sure that mesmers love running Faintheartedness and Lingering Curse due to the Degen...
"This should support shorter games as well as increase the number of valid strategies." Lol, "Valid Strategies." Never ceases to amaze me ANet doesn't get if you have it in the game people will use/abuse it. Even if you designate it in a user agreement to be not permitted, if its possible due to game mechanics that tells people you don't care that it's possible, because you are not willing to put in the effort to prevent it. And the fact that you don't care is why rawr made a statement.~>Sins WDBUser The Sins We Die By Sig.png 22:08, 10 February 2009 (UTC)