Feedback:User/Agaetis Ros/Explorable Pre-Searing

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I love pre-searing Ascalon, I admit I don't enjoy walking in post-searing Ascalon. I think this means that post-searing was well designed. However it is so sad that we are unable to explore it once we have left it. I feel like this part of the game is lost. And when my 10th character will have his LDOA title, I won't go there anymore.

It would be interesting to be able to go there with any character as a flashback or something like this. Characters already do flashbacks when playing the first missions of other campaigns. It is like if characters could not go to Shing Jea after leaving it.

The only problem I see would be the interaction between pre-searing players and others. But it can be solved by having separate instances of the outposts for pre-searing characters and visitor characters. Nicholas Sanford could appear only for pre-searing characters. It was somewhat done with the commando mission for april fool's day, and it was a fabulous idea. There is nothing that users can take advantage by going there except taking benefit of a wonderfull overlooked place of the game.

There can be several possibilities to allow characters go there. It can be an historian in Ascalon, or any NPC a the beach.