Feedback:User/Beaverine/Mannually Sort Characters

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In Guild Wars 1, the players can only sort their characters by either Alphabetize or PvP/RP. In Guild Wars 2, there is no dedicated PvP characters, so all characters would be just sorted by the Alphabetize if we follow the old rule. Though, we can add other sorting categories such as races, and professions, it is still not quite satisfying. Some players such as I may wish to arrange their characters in certain order that fit their role playing. For example, to a specific player, character A may be married to character D in the player's lore/story, while characters E and Z are sworn brothers, thus he or she wishes for them to stand next to each other in the log in screen. This can't be done in Guild Wars 1.

So I wish to suggest that ArenaNet allows players to manually sort their characters' slots