Feedback:User/Blbailey3/Personal Story - Character Creation

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I like the idea of having questions about my past. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE THEM AT CHARACTER CREATION. I want to spend time tweaking the way the character looks, and then get into the world and play. NOW, I could just randomly choose some options to let that happen quickly and smoothly or you could find a way to integrate the questions into the actual game. I.e. Someone walks up to you and says "Hey I haven't seen you in awhile. How is everything? Your folks?" To which you reply, "I never knew my parents." or whatever. Make a choice as an integrated part of the game, disguised if you will.

But then I have no clue how GW2 interaction with NPCs will take place. If there isn't an option to respond via an interface, then it would be interesting to try and implement this suggestion.