Feedback:User/Bold Baby Undies/Armor weight

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I think that armor, as well as weapons should have a weight. Weight would affect a character in two ways. One, a character would have to be strong enough, via leveling up or some other form of advancing, to carry the armor and weapons. Second of all, the heavier the armor, the slower your character is. One thing to keep in mind is that it could be associated with weight. Regardless of character creation, a character could have a weight (or, regarding character creation, in which a short character could reach more places but a tall character would be stronger) and a person should only carry 2/3 of their body wieght. However, armor is slightly different as the weight is distributed throughout your body. But, in any event, if i had an armor strength of 90 and my armor required 90(which, using the 2/3's idea, the armor would have a wieght of 60), I could carry the armor, but I would move very slow, whereas if I had a strength of 120, and I had an armor requiring 90, I would move quite faster. The same could apply to weapons, the heavier the weapons, the slower you attack. Obviously heavier things would have better stats. Note that if you had a separate, progressing stat for strength in this way, the slower you were, the faster you would get stronger (as you are getting a better excersise).