Feedback:User/Bonsai/Mini games

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*Chess-maybe enchanced version of our game

*Trading card game-Similar version of Tetra master from FFIX

*5-finger fillet-is a trick wherein a person places the palm of his or her hand down on a table with fingers apart, using a knife, or sharp object, the performer attempts to stab back and forth between their fingers, moving the object back and forth, trying to not hit them.-you can see this in Red dead redemption

*Dice-enchanced edition example-

*Horse run-This is a horse race(you can put any other animal here) where you are pit against other participants,goal is to get first to finish line.>>This opens up horse betting and you can put wages on participants.

*Riddle-this is a game where everyone is asked a set of questions about various things from GW lore,places etc. and participant with most correct answers wins>>Anet could keep this updated so that we dont get same questions over and over.

*Hand wrestling-So you have to press certain buttons as fast as you can to beat an opponent.

*Boxing-Boxing game where you can fight against your opponent(no powers allowed) you have LMB for punching and RMB for defense.

You can get ideas for many mini games in game Asterix&Obelix at the Olympic games.

  • Polymock should be either revamped or better yet>>completely removed