Feedback:User/Cyclone Jack/Bindable AFK Message

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Bindable AFK Message

First, an AFK message that appears over a character's head would allow both nearby players, as well as friends logged in, that the player was AFK. A person could "/afk bio", in which case "bio" would appear above the character's head and the character's name would turn grey (signifying being AFK). Second, making this bindable would allow players to press a key, such as <Enter>, to both set an away message as well as allow them to begin typing in the chat window. This would allow a player to display "Hold on, I'm typing..." above their character's head while they type into the chat window. Once they are done typing and press <Enter> again, then whatever they typed would be displayed as normal and the /AFK flag would be cleared.

This would be useful in any group play situation, especially ad-hoc grouping during dynamic events, for RP purposes, as well as general conversations between a few nearby players.