Feedback:User/Deafblindmute/Distinct Faces and Hair

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One of the most impressive features of character creation in GW1 was the considerable diversity in appearances. There were a great range of expressive and interesting facial features, hairstyles, and skin colors (and if you include class differences, body types). I would really like to see this broad range of distinct appearances come back in GW2.

To elaborate, I am thinking about the potential appearances for characters of the necromancer class. Just looking at the male faces from the Prophecies campaign, the options are impressive. There was everything from emotionally charged regular appearances to faces with unnatural aging, strange scarring, and inhuman eye features/coloration (and it is not uncommon in the faces to see meetings of multiple distinct features; e.g. my personal favorite, the serpentine eyes with a devious smile). Looking at the hairstyles for almost any of the classes yields the same showing of character and diversity.

While this suggestion is essentially, "do more of what you did in the first game," I think it is important that Guild Wars 2 achieve the same level of diversity, characterization, and expressiveness in the customization options rather than slip into more bland or repetitive styles (which can often occur when games employ facial feature sliders or fewer customizable appearance options).