Feedback:User/Dregan/First 3D MMO Intricacies

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  • I respect and I like Guild Wars. I'll start off by telling you the greatest aspects. I will however comment on other games. All of this is necessary for the culmination of the suggestion pertaining to disapprovals and approvals of specifics in Guild Wars. There are so many popular RPG/MMOs/Movies/Books that over the decades people on a wide scale that appealed to a large number of people and felt greatly drawn to. If I don't comment about anything else creativity-wise then there is no problem. I enjoy the creativity. I only want to address the core of the system and things that make sense or don't and how to improve bonding/merging to the game like a symbiote. Symbiotic relationship is the Best way of describing a human being and his/her video game character life. It's a very delicate relationship where two lives live as one. I understand this well with many years of experience playing MMOs and loving adventure/fantasy books and movies. This input may be one of the largest expressions of passion I can portray and feed to the future of Guild Wars and/or any RPG that decides to adopt this expression and these ideas first. I choose Guild Wars because of everything I've seen and everything Anet has offered it's customers from the beginning and into the future. I believe in Guild Wars.

Likes & Benefits of Guild Wars[edit]

  • 1) I feel that Guild Wars has incredible potentional. The Interface, controls, movement/dodging etc. It's all OUTSTANDING.
  • 2) The limitless combination of spells/skills shows limitless potential in terms of what spells/skills can be created.

Dislikes/Things that don't make sense:[edit]

  • 1) The leveling system is a classic leveling system that stops at 20! Sometimes classic "Leveling" doesn't feel natural and/or realistic. Also the speed at which the leveling occurs and it stopping at a low level is not a good/fun way to grow/strenthen/develop your character's Life. There's a better adaptive system to growing your character that I will explain.
Realism to a video game is what the Future of the video game industry strives for. It's all related in term of first impression graphics, second impression of gameplay and third impression of system. We want it to look and feel like we are in it so that it makes sense and we become one with the game and your character so that we want to be in it constantly, want to play it and give it good ratings so it will appeal to others) The realistic FEELING is important first AND then the mixing/combining the magic into the realistic world and how we go about obtaining that magic and skills.(not out of thin air) It takes time to progress, no shortcuts on ALL details of growth/development and the feelings of reward could no be greater than that in the game and real life period. I'm sure you know for those that have been through college.
  • 2) The Chest in Guild wars. It's a dirty old box and doesnt make sense in terms of storing large numbers of items and money for reasons of quanity/size and security. Seems very unsecure and quite confusing as it's just a rotten disgusting little treasure chest box for 100s-1000s of people to share and store valuables and gold. Not only that but the boxes are in every town. How do Items move from box to box town to town? It's not realistic.
  • 3) The guild halls are ugly and usually do not consist of building structures. Instead they are just fortresses built with no TLC(tender loving care). There are no rooms. Everything and everyone is just spread out with no understanding and reason to be there in that spot. There are no shops in most of the campaigns in Guild Wars which really bothers me. No real forge to forge weapons and armor etc. If anything I enjoy Eye of the North the most because it does have these things.
  • 4) The Guild ranks are way too basic and not intricate. For a game called guild wars there needs to be more. Read improvements(2) it's good.
  • 5) Realistically Weapons and Armor should break! Unless made of some highly expensive special material thats hard to get! They will need repair using a special skill or taking it to the forge and paying someone to repair and upgrade/reinforce with materials they have or just buy or craft some new armor and weapons. Weapons and armor should not drop so much unless they are very basic and/or come from difficult high level/HP MOBS. No magic additives and no special materials unless added by the players themselves by obtaining and/or crafting these additives from materials dropped from high level/HP MOBs, chests or natural sources obtained from the environment after the player kills his way through so many high level/HP MOBS.
  • 6) PvP/PvE Public/Private Zones: Like switching between HM and NM we could be switching between public PvP/PvE-Public or PvE-Private Only Zones. I enjoy all zones being PvP that way no one would switch to PvE private channel to build their character. I feel too many would take advantage of this. The limitations for example for all PvP zones should be no one under 50 hps can battle or be attacked. It's that simple. I'd rather not have the ability to switch between public and private and to just go ahead to make it All Public full range PvP/PvE Zones only, personally.
  • 7) Government Factions: Scheduled, no element of suprise or gain. It's half the gain it could be. The factions offer no real benefits to their supporters. Improvements(10)
  • 8) When dieing, the Penalty system is terrible because it's temporary status. No gain and no loss. Players aren't gaining anything by killing MOBS other than items and just coming back alive to fight and during fight never developing/building your character all the while falling into a hole that makes it closer to impossible to complete the battles. There are better alternatives.
  • 9) Guild Battles: Similar to the faction battles, scheduled and no element of suprise, lacking twice the entertainment. The guild halls are not "halls" They are fortresses. A real guild hall would be much nicer and appealing to take over. Guild battles can't take place anywhere at any time for members that are at war with each other.
  • 10) Hero/Henchmen System: I sit around and don't do anything and let my heros kill everything! So
A) I don't gain anything by killing MOBS other than drops and completing quests for more items and
B) I Don't do hardly anything but sit around and let my Robot/NPCS do all the work. It really gets boring after a bit. Due to muuch Less Self-Focus/Concentration
  • 11) Titles are no good unless they provide a character benefit. That's what I like about eye of the north. Eye of the north is the most enjoyable campaign extension. In EoTN there are titles that benefit players. For instance the Kurzick/Luxon titles offers no benefit for the factions. Look at the improved system under Improvements(10).

Comments & Great Marketing Interests of Popular RPG/MMOs/Movies/Books[edit]

(Apart from the common and usual leveling and pvp system in so many RPGs. Lets look at the special significant different ideas of certain systems that made them appeal so greatly)

  • 1) An example of an RPG everyone was STUNNED about was Skyrim because of the REALISTIC look and feel! The attraction was so strong to graphic first person prospective that it overwhlemed anything else about it. You felt like you were there firsthand because of the first person perspective.
  • 2) A game more important than Skyrim. Meridian59 because of it's first person perspective added so much realism to what was already in the game. The first and best 3D RPG of its time. In 1996 it was a big deal then and is taken for granted now. Deep inside we really love the system of gameplay and first person visual. We want to be in the game! Mostly for its system of gameplay. Usually no one will give anything a chance at a bad first impression. First impression is important when combining with an extraordinary system of gameplay.
Important aspects of realism pertaining to Meridian59: Factions/Governments(which give you strengths), Judiciary by vote-Pardons for Murderers, Thieves, Guilds and Intricate Guild Ranks. Various schools of Magic for each Class where the levels in the game are Explicitly based on the level of your Education/Magic only. The amount of hit points are based particularly/soley on the number of monsters you kill.
  • 3) On a wide scale people raved about Harry Potter because it pertained to schools of magic/skills for certain areas to learn and progress to higher levels of Education/Magic along with age/growth and experience from child to man! Living out a full adventurous life! People love Harry Potter so much they want to be him, just like a character in an RPG that you would want to attain. It only makes sense.

[]> Finally the Suggestions for Drastic Improvements/Details/Additives For Guild Wars 2 <[][edit]

  • 1) Schools of Magic: It takes time to learn anything and excitment of progression overwhelms us and when that time closes to an end so that we may ascend to higher levels of Magic, the amazing feeling of reward is improfound and probably the best that can possibly appeal to an audience. This is sooo important that this is incorporated into a game. Temples/Schools with Instructors. The person goes out and practices his magic to progress to another level of magic spells and fighting skills. Each Temple/School/Training Ground around the world for each Class(Elemental, Dark magic, Light magic etc) has it's own color and insignia for identification. At level one you obtain lower grade newbie spells/skills. A person has to work on(practice) those skills on monsters and get those strong enough before you can move on to learn your next level of Magic Spells and Fighting Skills.

  • 2) Guilds Ranks: With more intricate ranking system is mandatory for a games called "Guild Wars". Ranks have specific permissions to access the guild chest items and gold and influence over others by raising rank, inviting people in, changing alliances etc. Incorporate a voting system for voting members of the guild as good, normal or bad reputation and recommended by level 2 and 3 to be kicked.
Rank 1 doesn't even have access to the guild hall and is just an initiate into the guild.
Rank 2 may enter the guild hall and donate to the guild by giving to the chest but cannot take anything out. Rank 2 has specific permissions pertaining to putting someone on a recommend list to be recruited as an initiate.
Rank 3 Can invite people into the guild.
Rank 4 Can raise ranks, kick people, can add other guilds as recommendation for leader to become apart of or to add to the alliance and has Access to the guild chest.
Rank 5 is the Leader. Can set customize/set certain permissions for certain ranks and add and make changes to Friendly Alliances and Enemy Guilds.

  • 3) Large Vault(s): located in only the largest riches cities. With security boxes of different sizes maybe to buy or rent within the vault. You can also have your own for your guild hall/home/fortress that you can buy or rent and install for personalization or for trusted guildies to share of proper rank. Something more realistic than a pathetic broken nasty box that you woudln't even need a crowbar to break into, please.(nothing where you can literally kick it and it will crumble) Also it makes more sense to have security gaurds next to it. Not just the helpless chest/vault dealer that can be robbed easily. Make different sizes of security boxes to purchase/rent. Everyone starts out with a small one which hold enough items for a newbie fine. Can go to much larger sizes. Maybe up to 10 different sizes of security boxes.

  • 4) Guild Halls: That are Enclosed, have rooms, balconies, towers and rooftops for elevated combat. If individuals want to buy or rent security boxes to put in the guild halls for their own items. Obtain these from the main vault dealer in a capitol city. Anyone rank 2+ can place one of these in their guild hall. Incorporate a Guild Chest for sharing/donations of the guild chest for the Guild Hall. If a guild hall is large enough. The guild can have a banquet, a bar and resting spaces. So if that guild has enough funds, the guild may hire bartenders and food preps to cook meals to help regain energy, hit points and morale for Bonuses!

  • 5) Hit points and magic points: A separate entity. Increasing hit points and not incorporating a level system for hit points and magic points. Levels to hit points do Not correlate well. It doesn't make any sense. Just leave the numbers to the hps that increase. Starting with low integers and low damage from weaker MOBs such as 25 hit points. To start out AS basic as you can. No need for complexity. The excitement starts out with the growth, not the complexity.

  • 6) Weapons and Armor: Realistically Weapons and Armor will need repair using a special skill learned from weapon/fighting craft school or taking it to the forge and paying and NPC to repair and/or upgrade/reinforce with more durable materials they have gained from high level MOBS or just buy and/or craft some new armor and weapons. Weapons and armor should not drop so much unless they are very basic and/or come from difficult high level/HP MOBS. No magic additives and no special materials unless added by the players themselves from high level drops or bought from other players. Maybe even crafted enhancements.

  • 7) PvP/PvE Public/Private Zones: Like switching between HM and NM we could be switching between public PvP/PvE-Public or PvE-Private Only Zones. I enjoy all zones being PvP that way no one would switch to PvEprivate channel to build their character. I feel too many would take advantage of this. The limitations for example for all PvP zones should be no one under 50 hps can battle or be attacked. It's that simple. I'd rather not have the ability to switch and make it All Public full range PvP/PvE Zones only. PVP Cannot take place in town with anyone other than "Close Faction Members"(10) and Guild Members(11) and with Murders/PKers.

  • 8) Death and the Protection of your Items: When someone dies by a MOB, gets murdered or dies in a Guild War. Realistically they have to leave their body and items Realistically and go somewhere else. A place with the gods, a god that you have a relationship with pertaining to your class that can deliver you to your guild hall, a town of your choice or back to a safe shrine in the area the player died. When death occurs some slight spell/skill progress is lost along with a hp or 2. Every area should have a safe shrine where you can't be attacked, holy ground. Each character in the game comes with a soul which is an orb of force that Protects their items so they cannot be Looted, but only for a certain period of time. For up to 5 minutes. So it gives you a chance to prepare and call upon your guildies and friends to get him before he loots your body. After 10-15 minutes pass and no one loots it will be cleaned by the system.
With light magic comes the ability with an enchant buff up to have a chance to bring your items to the Afterlife.
With dark magic there is an enchantment that allows you to extend the time period that your items will be protected by your grasp on them if you die. The stronger the spells the better the chance and durations.
If a player murders someone their name turns red IF they attacked first. People can attack you in towns but not in shops and inns due to respect of the environment. Otherwise people cannot ordinarily attack each other in towns, unless guilded(11), close faction members/agents of opposite factions(10) or a Murderer on the loose able to be attacked and attack back if provoked only.

  • 9) Voting for one Judge/Justicar: Many people can advertise to win the ballot of a fair and just Judge/Justicar for all of the land/world. The judge may have power to uphold only so many pardons to release and convert murders through trial and questioning with witnesses and the influence of the choice by forgiveness by the victim and time passed. Turning murderers/PKers back to law abiding citizens before discharging him his as Justicar and relieving his duties to the next winner of the majority of votes/ballots. By default after certain amount of time has passed murderers/PKers convert back to law abiding citizens under good standing(no provoking or murdering).

  • 10) Government/Factions: A king, princess or some particular polical leaders consisting of two separate parties. With followers that give different bonuses for joining each side. Two different levels of followers for each side. There are ordinary followers and the close followers. The close followers carry pendants or some item insignia on capes, robes and/or other armor that show they are in active war against their opposing faction. Actively to help shift the support of the faction into higher power within the land and weaken the opposing faction. The bonuses are either stronger or weaker depending on the power status of the faction. The Close militant supporters carry larger bonuses and are Not labeled as murders by killing an opposing Close militant faction members/agents.
Towns can support or not support factions based on power shifts.
Power shifts are based on amount of kills/deaths of the opposing factions in open land or in towns randomly or assemble by groups and hunt for other groups and loners.
Town guards can aid in battle that support a faction.
Only certain level/HPs of characters can become close supporters of a faction.

  • 11) Guild Battles: Guild halls can be taken after a guild defeat and all the items in chests can be obtained by the enemy guild and distributed by members Rank 4+. Guilds will not have the power to take the hall unless 3 members or more members are present at the hall at the time of the battle and the guild leader is present. Guilds and guild members be it one or many may cross paths with enemy guild member(s). Guilds can fight anywhere on land or in town.

  • 12) Solo System Option, not NPC Party based: Please, I'd rather battle on my own with summons, or enchanted MOBS OR with REAL People ONLY.