Feedback:User/Eclipse143/Customization back in Guild Wars 2

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Hey guys.


Original Guild Wars (now will be refered to as OGW in this post) had a special feature, customization. I wasn't too happy about the mechanics for Customization because it mostly appealed to physical damage types. I would like to propose an idea to bring back Customization from OGW into Guild Wars 2 (GW2) with a better, more "customizable" outcome.

Customization in OGW had a +20% BASE damage. This base damage only affected the damage range displayed on the item's profile and doesn't directly affect the damage dealt from spells or attacks.


Customization in GW2, as i see it (or hope to see it), will have a system like this:

When a player goes up to an npc who customizes items, He will be given a list of "customizations". For each customization, there will be a unique effect for every customization. Customizations can have a combonation of effects. As well, customizations should require a special item or a reasonable fee for the weapon. Customizations should be able to be removen for a fee, but the weapon may only be uncustomized at a certain % chance rate. If the weapon fails to uncustomize, it will/ have a chance to break. If the weapon doesn't break, the player loses their payment fee without any refunds. If the weapon does break, the player will lose the fee and the weapon in total. However, if the weapon does break, to compensate for all they lost, any special attachments, upgrades, etc will be returned to the player at no cost. ONLY the player who has a weapon customized to him/herself can uncustomize it.


Possible effects: (Effects shouldn't discriminate! You should be able to have a magic damage bonus on a physical weapon if you choose to!) <noun> : insert subcategory here ("+% <element> damage = "+% fire damage)

+% skill physical damage (should be low)
+% skill magical damage
+% skill <element> damage (should be higher than '+% phys/mag damage)
+% faster running speed with weapon unstowed
+% base damage
+% base physical damage
+% base magical damage
+% <attribute>
+% base <weapon> damage
+% <condition> infliction duration (conditions caused unto the enemy are prolonged)
+% <condition> duration reduction
+% Condition infliction duration
+% Condition duration reduction
+% <boon> duration
+% damage reduction (should be extremely low)
+% damage reduction against <element>
+% damage reduction against <weapon>
+% damage reduction against physical
+% damage reduction against magical


Each customization aspect should have a unique "customization stone" in correspondence. Customization stones should be able to be "salvaged" or something of the sort to gain a "stone dust" to be crafted into another stone at random, or any stone by choice (stones crafted at random should require a lot less dust. There should be a c.stone that doesn't correspond with any specific effect. This stone will be used for the random customization function.

Random customizations will require a significantly less amount of fee and a very cheap stone (cheap stone may be 3 stone dust, and the specific stones may be about 15+ dust to create). By customizing randomly, you get any effect regardless of synergy. Specific Stones should require a higher amount of dust if its affect is one of the better ones. Salvaging stones shouldn't give more than 75% of what they were made from dust.

Thanks! --Eclipse143 17:13, 11 December 2011 (UTC)