Feedback:User/Edmundgames/Ranger long bow observation suggestion to add bleeding

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I noticed in comparison to other weapons, Long Bow is too straight forward with no further room to expand in some sense.

Don't get me wrong, I like the current skills and what it does so it shall stay as it is, (damage is a little low but I am sure that'll be fixed soon).

A quick search online also reveals that almost all builds centers around axe/horn and short bow so we can clearly see that Long Bow is quite useless. Thus justifies my observation to a certain extent.

One idea I have (may not be the best, but I am trying to help in my own way) is to have Bleeding attributes added to a few of the Long Bow skills. Allowing Long Bow fans to finally have some fun in planning their builds and not be constrained to only short bow.

Just a contribution of idea from readings I have done online over the weeks. All ideas may have pros and cons, but I sincerely hope it helps. As I really hope that the Long Bow can one day be more Fun to play with. For now, it honestly just isn't and I have faith ArenaNet team will do something about it.

Thanks Edmund