Feedback:User/Failtier/Animations when fighting for survival

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Animations when fighting for survival

The character which lies on the ground and fights for survival should not rotate and focus the targeted enemy because this looks like he is twisting on his rear. Instead all characters should be fixed at their positions (remember, the character is nearly finished, there is no energy for busy activities) and aim at four directions when they fight against an enemy: The front, both sides and behind one.

Each side has a section of 90°. For each section there is a different animation for aiming. So when the enemy you're targeting at is on your "left side", your character throws his right arm to the left, when the enemy is on the "right side" to the right and when the enemy is "behind you", your character throws his right arm over the left shoulder plus a shoulder check. When the enemy is in "front of you" the original animation remains.

Failtier 17:24, 29 September (UTC)