Feedback:User/Farlo/Super-high Graphics

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As we all know, computers are getting quite a lot faster, and GW graphics haven't evolved much in the 6 years since release. This is possibly a quick fix, or could at least provide some eye candy for those fortunate enough to have a decent graphics card. A lot of little updates could be included in this list that could spruce up the game at least until GW2 comes out. I'll add to this list as I can think of stuff:

  • A slider for the distance at which a 3D model is replaced by a 2D cutout, it looks really bad at higher resolutions and when you see a crappy building outline suddenly pop into 3D.
    • An expansion of this; a "details distance" slider that changes the distance at which things will scale back to worse looking versions, possibly including draw distance.
  • Integrate high resolution skill icons, and if possible, any other higher-than-now textures, especially armor. There must be higher resolution versions of various artwork somewhere in ArenaNet
  • ...