Feedback:User/Genanmer/Player Run/Augmented Dungeon for World vs World

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Allow players to own and outfit a dungeon with traps, creatures, and other npc's in addition to preset boss npc's and triggered events.

As sidequests Players may capture creatures to strengthen the dungeon's defenses. Schematics may be obtained to lay down traps and other obstacles to slow advancement. Regular NPC's may be purchased or recruited through side quests. Similar to keep NPC's they may be upgraded

Rather than a wall, defending players have a ledge over a shifting maze like area assaulting players would have to travel through.

The purpose of the dungeon may be to house something similar to an orb of power in World vs World.

Mini bosses and creatures in the dungeon may be skipped however they will all converge on the final boss area if attacked and will specifically track any enemy player that manages to obtain the dungeon relic within the dungeon.

As a last ditch obstacle, as soon as the final boss is defeated and an enemy claims the relic the dungeon begins to cave in. After a certain amount of time large portions of the dungeon collapses destroying all players, recruited npc's, traps, and the sort caught in the rubble.

Most of the dungeon is reset regardless if the attackers successfully carry the relic outside.