Feedback:User/Iwantgw2/Different portals

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What i loved about gw was that i could jump to different places using map travel, and asura portals. Some portals should be scattered around tyria, that were made by rare magics. These portals, could send you back in time, back to the time of the original guild wars. here, characters could fight the final bosses of Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North. This would create a fun mini game for users, and there could be scores kept depending on, how much damage your team took, how fast you killed your enemy, how much damage you did to his minions if any. The possibilites are endless. The bosses could also be super charged so they are not to easy. if a character is lucky enough to defeat one of the bosses, a special bonus weapon might come out of a chest like in GWEN.