Feedback:User/JackTheTerrifying/Gladiator Title Emote

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I suggest an emote system much like that of the Hero title emote system (/rank) for the Gladiator title. I find it to be disappointing for players who have worked just as long and hard on the gladiator pvp title track as the players who dedicated themselves to work on the hero pvp title track. I can understand how the zaishen title track (/zrank) could be considered a gladiator pvp title track emote, but it isn't. This title track can be bought with in game currency, so it does not reflect the the time a player has spent playing pvp.


Adding a gladiator emote system (/grank) to the game can be beneficial. As a random arena pvper, I find it very difficult to participate in Heroes' Ascent pvp without being asked, "what's your hero rank?". There seems to be a lot of prejudice in Heroes' Ascent against anyone who doesn't have a hero title rank of at least 9 to 11. Hence, if you don't have a rank high enough, then your not allowed to play. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this logic. However, if one requires to party with decent teams in order to win matches to raise their hero title rank, then there is no way to progress any further in Heroes' Ascent because you'll never find a party that will let you join. I believe adding a gladiator emote system much like the hero rank emote system could bring more gameplay to Heroe's Ascent because it would show other players your commitment to pvp and they may be more inclined to have you join them.


I have two ideas for the gladiator rank emote system. Make the gladiator rank and the hero rank share the same emotes or create an entirely different emote system altogether. These are just my two cents and I understand there may be better ideas that I haven't thought of yet.