Feedback:User/Kilaa1000/Account Pet system

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Didn't you ever have the problem that youre minipets are taking up too much space in Guild Wars? Or in other games the problem that you start a new character and you need to get youre favourite rare minipet again spending days for it because of the "great" drop rates? Or that you can't get the minipet on youre new character because you could only get it during an event? I did have this problem in Guild Wars and in other games, and I do think that it should try to be avoided in Guild Wars 2. Minipets don't give any special advantages to players, so it won't disadvantage new players compared to old when the game is going on for a while. It doesnt require much work either.

There will be an accountwide way of unlocking dyes in Guild Wars 2. I would say do the same for minipets! Just create an extra tab in the character screen (or any other menu) in which all youre cute and cuddly minipets are stored. This way you won't get youre bags and storage full with little pets.

Or, to create it a bit more in-game: A special Pet Shop in Major cities! A shop in which you can buy all previously unlocked minipets for a price, the rarer the pet the higher the price (ofcourse still always cheaper then buying from other people ). Ofcourse, these pets should have a special tag so they can't be traded further to other people. This way people won't have to spend alot of time or money to get the same minipet they always had on their old character.

Or like there is the Menagerie in Guild Wars 1 right now. They could create one in Guild Wars 2 for minipets.

I understand that doing this may lead to a destruction of the minipet market after a few months, and almost dead after a year. So if the risk of that is to big then I would suggest to just make the special event pets accountwide unlocked. So that people still can use their (for example) x-mas penguin of 2012 in 2015 on their new character.

Wouldn't it be shame if you had to say goodbye to youre rare cuddly friends everytime you made a new char?

Thanks for listening to my suggestion.