Feedback:User/Knighthonor/Racial Skills Suggestion

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Racials Skills


Tactics - Increase Avoidance of Melee Attacks by 35% for the next attack used on you.

Republic - Increase Rep gain

Tremayal’s Spiritual Blessing – (5min cool down) heals target ally, for ([X+LvL*20]/5) hp every 4 seconds, last 20 seconds.


Fire Breath - Set target ablaze causing the target to burn for 10 seconds. 2 min cool down.

Fury - Increase Damage of Physical Attacks by (lvl/x) for 10 seconds.

Bull Leap – (2 second cast, 2min Cool Down) Leap to target Enemy or Ally.

Bloody War – (Passive Aura)Increase hit points of party members in the area by 1%

Lava Bite – (2min cool down) Bite the enemy, dealing (X*Lvl) fire damage, and causes the enemy to burn for 10seconds. Damage of Lava bite increases for every negative fire effect on the target. [Limit 2]


Bear Form - transform into a Bear increasing Armor by (LvL*X) and attack power of (Melee Stat) by (Level+X),You become harder to hit, increasing Avoidance to Melee attacks by 10%. Last 20 seconds. 5min Cool down.

Sea Form - Transform into a Sea Creature, increasing Swim Speed by (X)% and increasing Damage while under water by (Y). You can breath under water in Sea Form.

Raven form - Transform into a Bird, becoming immune to Snares and knockbacks for 8 seconds.


Nature's Call - Summon Trents to come to your aid in combat and healing. trents have 25% of your base stats. Last 20 seconds. 5min cool down.

WildLife's Rebirth - Grow yourself from your last dieing spot, with 30% of your max Hp, and 10% of your max Secondary Bar. 1 hour cool down.

Nature’s Nightmare – (3min cool down) The Sylvari consume the nearby Shadows of the Nightmare, restoring (X*LvL) Secondary Bar Mechanics’ function, and greatly Increasing Stealth detection of all hidden creatures within the area.


Smaller Equals Slicker - Remove all Snare effects currently on the player, and prevents any fether snare effects for 5 seconds. 3min cool down.

Mental Strength - Increase (Caster Stat) passively by (Level/X) and increase Crafting Skills by (Y).

Shocking Life – (Channel spell) Restore (LvL*X) hp per second. Last 10 seconds.

Magic’s Devouring – (3min cool down) Purge all harmful magic effects from the Asura, and shocking all nearby enemies with (X*Lvl) lighting damage and slowing enemy’s attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

--Knighthonor 18:07, 12 February 2010 (UTC)