Feedback:User/Kormon Balser/Laser Tag

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I had an idea for a possible mini-game or WvW setting for GW2:

What if, similar to the bar-room fights, you could go enter a laser tag arena and blast foes with lasers, light grenades, and turrets? It could be an Asuran invention made for training troops. When you enter the game, you are put in one of four teams, and put in a super cool laser tag suit disguise (maybe that looks kind of like in Tron) and then either try to get as many kills as possible or accomplish certain objectives. This could either be in WvWvW or an Asuran arena. You could either be given a laser rifle and run around first person and shoot line of sight, or just have a new skill bar. The arena could be set up to have mirrors on the walls, glow in the dark images, hazards, turrets, and maybe even some random monsters. The skills could either be completely standardized, and just have a couple different shooting options (auto attack skill, spread shot, high-powered laser, grenade, etc.). They could have that for the first five skills, and then maybe have 1-5 professions specific skills. These could include a regeneration, spike heal, group heal, or defensive skill for the healing slot, and then three unique profession utility skills (places where engineers could build turrets, area IAS, make yourself do more damage with shots, thieves could turn the lights off their suits, necromancers that fire dark beams (so you can't see them), area IMS, or a skill to make your bullets ricochet), and then an elite that can be use once per game (like transform yourself into a giant beam of light that can go through walls, and they you just go straight until you leave the map, where you die). When you are downed you could be given a flashlight to shoot XD.

If this is too much, then maybe just a laser-tag themed/looking place in WvW to run around in and blast people apart.