Feedback:User/Kynan/Fishing,Food and Cooking

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"Fishing,Food and Cooking

Fishing: Im thinking because of oceans there will be fish in the oceans, and well say you dont want to do events or challenges maybe you could relax fishing out in a lake or the ocean. so you could maybe by a fishing rod and net or something and fish at the shore but maybe for bigger catches you could get a harpoon and go under water to hunt larger fish maybe sharks. Please post comments under Fishing section if its about fishing.

Food: Well you get hurt time to time and while regenerating health out of combat why not grab a bite to eat and regenerate that health quicker or maybe energy as food gives you energy. Food could also be bread and meat. Post your view on having food in GW2 under food section

Cooking You might want to cook your food, or maybe bake your food if it was flour and dough you could bake some bread you could get some wheat and take it to a mill out in the world that could give you your flour, then you got fish and meat well charr eat meat and fish raw normally i believe it says in the books but humans and other races might need to cook there food so it doesnt make them ill. Post your views below.

Home: Instance Farm Maybe you could collect animals to farm on your home instance so you could have a chicken or a turkey. Post your views below."