Feedback:User/Lorkopf/Guild Settlement

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A new Guild hall[edit]

Kalizar already made a suggestion about changing the way the guildhall is made, like making it more customizable and a guild bank.

my suggestion[edit]

I would go even further. My idea is to remove the old guildhall and replace it by an animal as the settlement, which is movable through the whole world and can be used in the planed "World-Pvp"

This animal is a fully customizable "base" for the guild. Each race has its own animals.

The Animals[edit]

Some examples:

Sylvari: Turtle

Asura: Golem

Charr: Devourer

Humans: horse coach

Norn: can't imagine anything


All of these are individually upgradeable. They all grow over time, what means the older a guild is, the bigger their animal is. Also you can upgrade them by feeding them (horses, turtles), or upgrading them with found resources (golems, devourers).

Other upgrades can unlocked by fighting for your race in world PvP for example better armor.

The third type of upgrades are drops. For example a NPC group of outcast humans is discovered by a guild. after the find they are able to take parts of the NPC's animal and salvage them. After wise they can use them to upgrade their own animal.

An other method to upgrade your animal is by defeating a dungeon. Instead of dropping a item for party members, or in addition to it, the boss drops an upgrade for the "guild hall".


Also this Hall should be able to replace the Xunlai chest-system. if your personal inventory is full the other item can be stored in your own pockets left in the guildhall or you place them in the chest available for the whole guild.

A real Guildhall[edit]

A problem of a could be, that this guild hall is a real place and not a duplicate at the same spot for each guild. Now since there are gonna be good guilds and guild that may not want to play PvP or are not as good or just want to use there guildhall as an prestige symbol. Therefore you should be able to decide if you want to play PvP or not. When you found a guild PvP is turned of. But if you make the decision to play PvP you should not be able to disable for a certain time to prevent a better guild for raiding a smaller guild which made a wrong decision. But if you turn on the PvP it shouldn't be a big problem for you to leave the guild hall either without having to fear that if gets raided and you flag gets stolen and is presented in the attackers guild hall from that moment on. Therefore the system of the companion introduced as the replacement for heroes is a great opportunity. Each player has a companion which is not controllable and which stays with the guildhall the whole time. When you log off the companion following you on your adventures is also able to defend the guildhall, but just if you logged yourself off in the guildhall otherwise this defensive affect is not available.

But if this defense of NPC should be destroyed and an other guild stands in your hall they will get some awards based on how much money the guild has which PvP and GvG ranks they have reached. In addition they steal the flag of the guild. All captured flags will be displayed in your own guild hall.

The (guild) hall of Monuments[edit]

The announcement was made that the hall of monuments will take its part in guild wars 2. Therefore I would suggest, that each player can place his own awards in form of little banners or so inside of the hall or a totem is put up which shows all the titles the account out of guild wars and guild wars 2.

Besides the account or character bound titles there also should be guild bound titles as rewards for PvP battles, dungeon clears, and captured flags from other guilds.

Alliance Battles[edit]

The guild, leading an alliance of a number of X followers will be able to control a flying animal to control the battle out of the air or can control a siege weapon animal. Killing the Alliance leader will a have a great affect for the opposing team because these a single strong unit. The normal animals and the leaders animals will be controllable by an amount of persons but not all of the guild members will be able to steer the animal or control its weapons. Therefore those will go into the battle as normal soldiers and will try to enter other animals or defend or strengthen their own in game home.

If you loose your guildhall in a battle like this it won't have any disadvantages on the normal life except that you may loose some land but after wise you will be able to travel around with it again.


- An animal as a guildhall

- Usable in PvP

- Place to show titles of players, accounts, and the guild

- fully customizable

- replacement of the Xunlai chest-system

- introduction of a guild bank