Feedback:User/Malaf Kahmuson/The Oanne - Fanfic Race

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“With grace and generosity we will regain our place in this world, for that is the way of the Oanne”

The Oanne are an ancient race of humanoid reptilians currently inhabiting the eastern fringes of Crystal Desert at the source of the River Elon. The noble and disciplined Oanne do not sleep, instead preferring a form of meditation known as, Thal-Ja’har. With knowledge of the Elder Dragons and Arcane magics, the Oanne will undoubtably make powerful allies.


Origin - Story of Creation

When the skies above were not yet named,

Nor the earth below pronounced by name,

Abzul, the first one, begetter of stone and flesh,

And maker, Tiamus, who bore magic and mind,

Had mixed their waters together,

But had not yet formed dunes, nor discovered forest,

When yet no heroes were manifest,

Nor names pronounced, nor destinies decreed,

Then life was born within them,

Thus were established and were... the great races.

They disturbed Tiamus as they fought amongst themselves,

Yes, they troubled the mood of Tiamus

Nor could Abzul lessen their clamor

And Tiamus was speechless at their ways.

Their doings were loathsome

Thier way was evil; they were overbearing.

Then Abzul, the begetter of stone and flesh,

Sat down before Tiamus

Exchanging counsel about the races, their first-born.

Abzul, opening his mouth,

Said to resplendent Tiamus:

"Their ways are truly loathsome to me.

By day I find no relief, nor repose by night.

I will destroy, I will wreck their ways,

That quiet may be restored. Let us have rest! “

For nature itself would be turned against them

And death would soon become them

As soon as Tiamus heard this,

She was furious and called out to her husband.

She cried out aggrieved, as she raged all alone,

She uttered a curse, and unto Abzul she spoke:

"What? Should we destroy that which we have built?

Their ways indeed are most troublesome, but let us attend kindly!"

It was too late, he would not listen,

His face grew radiant,

With evil he planned against the races, his first born

When Abzul had thus lent import to his handiwork,

He prepared for battle against the races, his offspring.

Matchless weapons, monstrous serpents in his command

Set for combat, growling, raging

Sharp of tooth, unsparing of fang.

With venom for blood which filled their bodies.

Roaring dragons clothed with terror,

So that he who beholds them is overcome by terror,

Their bodies rear up and none can withstand their attack.

To the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies, did Tiamus retreat

Another was engendered, most able and wisest of Races.

In the heart of Tiamus were the Oanne created,

The Source of Elon they did drink.

The fish that fed them filled them with strength.

Noble was their figure, clear were their minds.

Graceful was their gait, commanding from of old.

When Tiamus saw them, the one who made them,

She exulted and glowed, her heart filled with hope.

She elevated the Oanne, made them chief among the first-born.

The leading of the ranks, the uniting of the races,

The raising of weapons for the encounter, advancing to combat,

To direct the battle, to control the fight,

These to their hands she has entrusted as she gifted them knowledge

"I have cast the spell for you, exalting you.

To teach all the races I have given you magic.

Your utterance shall prevail over Abzul!"

"As for you, your lessons shall be unchangeable, your way shall endure!

Your word shall make the fire subside,

So humble the power, yet so potent in its sweep!"

From among the races, the first-born, an Assembly was formed,

A master design against Abzul they devised and set up,

Made artful their spell against him, surpassing and magical.

As they poured sleep upon the beasts. Sound asleep they lay.

When they had made had made them prone, drenched with sleep,

Their power the first did drain.

The races who had done battle and been scattered,

Divided the land amongst them

Now the creatures which Abzul had made . . . ,

Whose power they had shattered, and bound to themselves:

Of these rose heroes, and all did rejoice:

"Let it be a token that this may never be forgotten!"

When Tiamus saw this she was exceedingly glad,

And as for Abzul, he did rest,

For their ways were no longer loathsome and peace did reign

Appearance - Fig 1.[1](more images to come)

Eyes - Eyes are always black with white pupils, with ducts present on the inner side of the eye (these vary in size and are not always present), two sets of eyelids are present, standard eyelids and swimming eyelids, these eyelids are white but become transparent when in contact with water (these eyelids also close during mediation and use of strenuous magic). An Oanne Eyebrow Ridges are very animated during speech and are a good indicator of an Oannes mood

Nose - two nasal splits are present, these are highly sensitive particularly to hormones, making an Oanne aware when they are being lied to. these nasal splits close when an Oanne is swimming

Mouth - the bottom jaw of all Oanne is hard and strong, like a snapping turtle, there are no lips on the bottom jaw and thus is not used for speech and expression (the jaw can only be moved up and down) the upper jaw however does have lips and thus is used for pronunciation and expression. the bottom jaw is further forward than the top, however lacks teeth and is designed for strength, the upper jaw does have fine backward facing teeth appropriate for catching fish. Their tongues are not forked as some believe, and are in fact quite large and often blue in colouration. They do not chew food rather swallow most items whole. The Onnae have only one language the Common tongue of Tyria, believing they themselves founded this language when it was their role to unite the races (as mentioned in Origin)

Stature - straight backed with large muscular necks give the Oanne an air of superiority (however this in most cases is not the intention) Males are shorter and bulkier than females with a height just taller than a large human. Their tail is thick and muscular with ridges which follow from their back, this is predominately used for swimming and balance. (they swim very similar to crocodiles using mainly the tail, tucking other limbs in)

Hands - their hands are rather unique with very mobile claws deriving from the underside of the'hand' the hand itself is large and resistant, when their fist is clenched and the claws remain entirely on the underside of the hand, the hand fits neatly by the Oanne sides, this is particularly important whilst swimming. the claws can easily gut and de-bone a fish.

Colouration - They vary a large degree in colour, from dusty grey to a pale blue, with the occasional greener or near white shade. and are usually two tonal with their underbelly and neck (and lower jaw) being of a different shade (usually lighter however darker occurs on occasion)

Attire usually consists of cotton robes with armoured plating if required. pearls and shells often adorn armours and weapons, some Oanne even incorporate their gemtstones within weaponry are armour.


The Oanne live in the eastern Crystal Desert, at the source of the River Elon can be find, Lake Anoat at the foothills of the Sorgaz Mountains. Most Oanne Settlements are located around Lake Anoat, however the capital, The Hidden City (as refereed to in dwarvern legends), Habylos can only be accessed through the Lake itself (and later by an Asura gate outside of the city walls), in an underground cavern. Upon surfacing a great city guarded by a giant wall and crystal encrusted doorway is met (this doorway prevents dragon spawn ever entering the city) the city is lit by a large gemstone, located upon what can only be described as a light house,, this building infact houses a scrying device sensitive to dragon activity, and is the meeting place for the Loya Jirga (grand counsel) the city itself is made of an intricate canal network (similar to those of Venice) allowing supplies to be transported throughout the city. (architecture matches that which was perceived to existed in ancient Mesopotamia in particular Babylon, where a great deal of inspiration has come from) (more detailed description and images to come)

Way of life


The Oanne are trained at a young age all basic skills required for their civilisation to function, including farming, fishing, fighting, making bricks, herbal medicine and many others. Families are rare within Oanne society, as mating occurs once every three years, the Oanne themselves are unaware of their mating rituals, as upon mating seasons, they are overcome, with a high fever which forces them all into the water, it is here where mating takes place, but the Oanne themselves are overtaken by primal instincts and do not remember such encounters. As a result eggs once laid are removed from their 'mothers' to the hatchery, upon hatching children enter education immediately. Meditation is the first discipline taught, the Oanne do not sleep, instead performing mediation known as Thal-Ja'har, it is more efficient then sleep so gives the Oanne greater time to perform tasks and more importantly consider existence. They are a very philosophical people and upon reaching maturity, all Oanne must choose 3 gem stones, these stones represent the three important aspects of existence, Mist (Jinn), Body (Badan), and Earth (Ard), it is said that if an individual can fuse these gems whilst mediating, they will have reached 'enlightenment' and lead their people on a great journey, however many believe this to be just myth. It is aspected that following this coming off age that an individual selects to follow a particular path, focusing on one particular aspect of existence, in an attempt to further the knowledge of the race.

Jinn - Those who follow this path in life, spend time improving knowledge of the immaterial, such as magic and the mind. These Oanne often spend time deep in thought, using magical abilities and searching for areas of magical and spiritual significance, to gain a greater understanding of their place in the universe (these Oanne often take a keen interest in other races belief systems). Professions usually associated with this discipline are, Elementalists, Mesmers, and Guardians

Badan - Those who follow this path in life, spend time improving knowledge of the Oanne as physical entities. These Oanne often spend time pushing their bodies to the limit, under extreme conditions in an attempt to understand their form and its limitations. Sparring is common practice amongst Oanne, and 'friendly' battle with member of other races are performed, to determine strategies which make use of the Oanne unique qualities, all this is in an attempt to understand what makes and Oanne, an Oanne, and what separates them from others around them. Professions usually associated with this discipline are, Warriors and 'Assassins'

Ard - Those who follow this path in life, spend time improving knowledge of the physical world around them believing that the Oanne will only ever find their place in Tyria if they understand Tyria itself. Many of these Oanne construct things from the earth itself, and often have a deeper connection with the wild and the worlds natural cycles, often keeping companions (whether they be pets or animated). This is the most diverse discipline and those who study it are often highly resourceful. Professions usually associated with this discipline are, Rangers, Necromancers and (more than likely) 'Unknown Adventure class'


All Oanne follow an unwritten code, developed by Bra'tac the first Oanne and founder of Habylos, this code is referred to simply as the Oannarb.

Mana'a (hospitality) - Showing hospitality and profound respect to all visitors, regardless of distinctions of race or religion, and doing so without any hope of remuneration or favour. Oanne are widely considered to be the most hospitable race in Tyria and a Oanne will go to great extents to show his hospitality.

Zuhub (asylum) - protection given to a person who requests protection against his/her enemies. The people are protected at all costs,

Aswas (bravery) - A n Oanne must defend Oanne and their way of life from incursions wherever he or she might reside. An Oanne should always stand brave against tyranny and he should always be able to defend Life and all the Oanne stand for.

Jama'a (loyalty) - Loyalty must be paid to one's friends, and tribe members. Loyalty is a must and an Oanne can never become disloyal as this would be utterly shameful towards themselves.

Yamin (righteousness) - An Oanne must always strive towards thinking good thoughts, speaking good words and doing other good deeds. Oanne must behave respectfully towards all creations including outsiders, animals and the environment around them.

Ijlal (self honour or dignity) - Oanne must maintain their dignity. Honour has great importance in Oanne society and most other codes of life are aimed towards the preservation of one's honour. They must respect themselves and others in order to be able to do so, especially those they do not know.


The Oanne's main diet is fish, this is attributed to their semi aquatic nature, like crocodiles their tails are powerful propellents and rudders, allowing swimming with ease. Bi monthly fishing ventures supply food for Habylos and the surrounding settlements, like dolphins the Oanne 'herd' fish to the surface where, nets and water elemental abilities are used to move fish onto land, fish is usually consumed following being sun/air dried.

The Oanne are also large producers of cotton, cotton is grown within the city walls of Habylos where water which infiltrates through the rocks provided nutrients and large dragonflies are imperative in the crops survival, these insects are responsible for pollinating the crop and eating pests (these dragonflies are also common ranger pets amongst the Oanne due to their hunting capabilities and mild paralytic toxins). the dragonflies also have a dual purpose, as their larvae, live with in the canals of the city and ensure that the water remains pure.

Silt and clay is also farmed from the bottom of the lake for building purposes. An extensive variety of herbs are also grown for remedies, most of which grow happily on the the side of the clay built buildings


The Oanne have no currency among the Oanne people and to some extent guests, due to the rich supply of resources, so all get an equal share, and do an equal share of work, however with increased interactions with outsiders, trade in technologies have become more common. the Oanne follow a democratic mode of government, where 3 members of the high council (Loya Jirga) are voted upon by indivudals on the three main pathways based on insight into their chosen disciple. The forth member however is selected by his/her predecessor and has been performed since the time of Bra'tac, this individual is chosen at a very young age based upon the ability to grasp all three elements of existence to a degree higher than their piers. This individual main duty is preserving the Oannarb and ensuring preparation are considered in case a threat similar to those mentioned within Origin occur once more. Meeting in the high council may be overseen by any Oanne who so wishes and their voice may be heard if requested.

The Oanne, although have remained separate from most of Tyria for a long time, have adapted quickly producing fire arms similar to those the other races posses,. Their opinions of the races are quite clear, they although respect the Asura for their knowledge do not condone their methods and thus spend little time with them, they believe the Norn are honorable but are somewhat sort sighted, the feral nature of the Charr, worries the Oanne greatly. Humanity has potential, whilst the Sylvari are off greatest interest and have been taken under the wing by many. Initial relations were hindered to begin with due to the Oanne's reptilian features leading many others believing them to be related somehow to the dragons

The Oanne can be rather frustrating at time answering question with other questions or being rather cryptic, this is not to undermine others but to simply allow others to find their own answers, as they believe that a puzzle solved has greater benefit than an answer simply given.


The Oanne have no religion in the sense of worship, they have a deep respect for both the Earth (Represented by Abzul) and the Mist (represented by Tiamus, believe that any lack of respect will ultimately lead to their undoing just as Origin suggests. The Oanne believe that although they were made to prevent the destruction of life to begin with they no longer had a purpose, this is why they mediate and comprehend existence hoping one day to reveal a path to their destiny, however with the awakening of the dragons, they have a role once more in the world, for now anyway.

When an Oanne dies he is cremated on the shores of Anoat (or the nearest body of water if away from home) at sunset. following the ceremony, all those who attend, perform Thal-Ja'har until sunrise. This ritual is to aid the essence of the lost Oanne to reach the Chamber of Fate (the place of their birth)

Internal Conflict

There are some Oanne who misinterpret the story of Origin. The Oanne have remained silent since war became re-established within Tyria, and fears of Abzuls rage became a concern, with the rise of the dragons once again, some believe that this is due to the other races inability to coincide, and as a result wish to prevent Abzul anger in future, by destroying all other races, preserving the Oanne way without threat, such individuals have been banished, many seeking refuge in the ranks of Joko for the time being while a plan is established. It is unknown if members of this faction have infiltrated Habylos recently.

Racial Skills (to be added soon)

Please note: this Idea is that of Klofange Fiercehunter of GW2G and has been added due to a personal interest in this race, when Klofange updtaes his/her GW2G page I will attempt to update this page also, any suggestion are made by others I will attemp tto relay this imformation to Klofange