Feedback:User/Michael81411/Peace with Attributes

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Ah, the new set of Attributes look much better. Hopefully, Guild Wars 2's rich content and emphasis on the rejection of "Holy Trinity" will stop people from cracking up and spread around "Best Builds for <Profession>."

Still, we players are greedy when it comes to the quality of games, so......never stop improving, never hesitate to give new ideas a chance, and never get angry at players that demand a better Guild Wars 2 but fail to come up with constructive criticism.

Oh, and one little thing: "Toughness" sounds a bit out of character for the Asura. What happened to wordings like "Tenacity" and "Obduracy?" Or maybe it's just me......

Something to brighten your day with: seek out Stewie Griffin in Zojja's dress! What? You have already seen it?