Feedback:User/Neithan Diniem/Title Progress Bar

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In Guild Wars 1, Have you ever wanted to look quickly at the title your working on currently, only to have to scroll past 10 or so other completed titles to find it? Have you ever wanted to ping your title progress to show it to others? Or have you ever wanted a simple way to keep track of them? If so, and considering if GW2 will have a similar title system in place, then why not allow these things? My suggestion is a (hopefully) simple one. I will use GW1 as a base for my suggestion, but it will need to be tailored to GW2's standards.

The Suggestion[edit]

Simply put, I'm suggesting a new title system that includes categorization options, as well as a progress bar that can be changed to any one title that your character has progress in. By pressing [H] and going to the "titles" tab, one can see all of their titles organized into two groups, both divided into categories. At the top of this title list would be the Completed titles group, which would be collapsible to allow for ease of navigating. Below that would be the In-Progress titles, also collapsible. Both would fit on the menu in their expanded view, and would have their own individual scroll bar. The completed titles group would be organized with the highest tiered completed titles at the top, going to lowest tiered completed titles. The group for uncompleted titles would have the highest % of highest tier of current titles, and so on till the lowest % of a 0 tier.

Now on to how this organization is used. Beside each of these titles would be two check boxes. The first box is the display title box, and when checked will display the title beneath your name. Only one of these can be active at a time. The other is the progress display box. Here also only one could be active, unless Anet wishes for us to be able to keep track of several titles at once (a low number of titles, to reduce clutter). Once checked, a progress bar for that title will be visible on the game screen as part of the User Interface, similar in appearance as the Experience bar (with a Yellow bar color, or something). Through the Interface menu (F11-->Interface) you could then move and re-size this bar just as the Hit Points, Energy, and Experience bars can. On this bar would display the current title rank name and rank number (Not too Silly (7)) and possibly the points currently earned/Points needed for next rank (60,000/80,000). Ctrl-clicking this bar would, just as the hp,en,and exp bars do, ping your current progress in the title ("I am Asuran rank 7 and have 60,000 of 80,000 reputation towards earning my next rank!").

Should multiple titles be able to be kept track of, perhaps a pop-out menu could be placed as a tab on the screen. When moused over, this tab would slide out, displaying the list of titles your tracking. A small lock box in the corner could allow the menu to be locked open/unlocked. Ctrl-clicking one of the progress bars within this menu would have the same effect as above. This allows multiple progress bars to be kept together in an orderly fashion, as well as removing screen clutter.

Now I know we are not yet knowledgeable on how titles are displayed or gained/raised in Guild Wars 2, but such a system would perhaps allow for easier title training (like Drunkard, for example) or simply make it easier to keep an eye on it (like the Norn title while your going through the Norn's explorable areas). How easy it would be to implement, I don't know. The theory of the idea is simple, and a basis for it is already in place. Its just all up to where they take it.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any comments, suggestions, or critiques, leave a message on the Talk page. Ill promptly respond as quickly as I can.