Feedback:User/Nevermind/Special Environmental Weapons

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I have been thinking about how environmental weapons and the new skill system are going to work, and overall I’m quite happy with what I’ve seen and do have faith that the skill/combat system in gw2 will be far more enjoyable then the current system.

So I want to suggest with the help of the example below a type of environmental weapon that might be a little different from what’s already been described.

Imagine you’ve just managed to complete some quest, say, there is a witch who lives in a marshland, a group of you head out that way and after a challenging battle manage to slay her. After looking through her belongings you discover various potions, spell books and a chest, amongst the treasure inside the chest is a flute, it’s a mysterious looking object with intricate engravings, you take it in the hope that it might be of value, you then notice that this flute can be equipped but unlike a rock or wooden plank, when un-equipped it goes back into your inventory, and unlike a weapon set it cannot be assigned to a short-cut key.

So you equip this flute and your first 5 skills change to represent the different musical notes that can be played, so like any worthwhile hero while further exploring you begin to experiment with the flute, playing different notes and trying different combinations of notes, they all seem very high pitched some of the upper notes you cant even hear, after a while you start thinking what’s the point of this thing? Does it do anything other then what a flute obviously does? Why have they allowed me to equip it?

Just then you realise that you’ve reached the lake that feeds the marshlands and some of the people that you slayed the witch with have already engaged in combat with various amphibian creatures including a strong boss. You instinctively try to help and press skill 1 on your keyboard forgetting that you’ve still got that silly flute equipped, suddenly tremors begin to shake the ground as a water wyvern ascends out of the depth of the lake, you quickly understand that this powerful creature responds to the high pitched sounds of your mysterious flute and using your skills in various combinations cause it to lay massive damage upon your enemies. (However the wyvern would be bound to the lake and would return to the depths after killing any foes in the immediate area, also the flute would not work if you where under water).

So to sum up, it’s an environmental object/weapon that can be retained in your inventory and has an obvious primary function but may have many other functions that are non-obvious but dependant on the player’s ability to figure out how these objects/weapons could influence their surroundings. Perhaps through in-game lore more insight can be gained as to what these objects are and how their hidden abilities work.

Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion.