Feedback:User/Ngdias/Epic starter quest for Norn

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After watching the video on YouTube about the first quests of a Norn character I got the feeling that there was a conflict between keeping things simple for a starting area/character and the epic glory on achievements that Norn lore requires: one's first task to be deemed (tested) worthy of participating in a Great Hunt with famous hunters is to collect 3 items conveniently located at a very nearby location all very close to each other and none requiring any epic battle or glorious chase. In fact it seems you can complete the quest in a couple of minutes. The difficulty seems adequate for a very first quest but it doesn't feel like a fitting achievement to be worthy for participation in a Great Hunt. Then, the Great Hunt looks cool and impressive, but its just one boss fight on the top of some nearby stairs! There is no chase across a decent stretch of map, trapping the beast, killing a number of increasingly harder bosses or any other twist that makes you think in the end: boy, that made my norn sweat and I feel proud of being able to complete this. The starter area for humans with the final battle against the elemental seemed to me a lot more epic than this chain ending with the killing of that giant frost wurm. The suggestion is either make things more epic for the norn or change the start by doing things with names more suitable to the difficulty level.