Feedback:User/Phaius/Alternate New Krytan Writing

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This suggestion has to do with the New Krytan script. I love that there is a distinct script that is readable in Guild Wars 2, however, when trying to write it, it is quite complex. I'm a writing system hobbyist (I've got several scripts I've created. One of which I use for calligraphic purposes), and thought that I would simplify New Krytan down, and also make it easier to write with an edged pen, which seems to be the tool of choice for Krytan scribes. Perhaps it is too late for this to be implemented when the game launches, but perhaps it could be a variation of New Krytan seen later down the line, maybe a regional variation? A bit like Egyptian used Hieroglyphic, Hieratic and Demotic depending upon the purpose?

Some of the letter forms have changed shape, but I've attempted to keep the general feel, but give the script a similar style and look throughout all of the glyphs. I liken some of the changes as a result of needing to write the script quicker yet simpler than the original.

I've attached an image of what I have come up with:

New Krytan MEDIUM.png