Feedback:User/PhoenixDown/Location Suggestion: Silent Valley Temple

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I would love to see a slightly quieter and scenic location of the game-world for players to explore and interact with, somewhere that could show a less industrialised and more friendly and community based view of Tyria. The temple is populated by mostly Sylvari and a few Humans, but they are few in number and would prefer to keep their peaceful hideaway secret to all but the stray merchant. The buildings themselves are of a contempory twist not unlike Buddhist temples but use a variety of stone instead of wood, to fortify against the valley's constantly shifting weather. I had the idea of Silent Valley Temple as a low to mid level questing grounds for more of the hunter-gatherer based quests, located in a fairly remote part of Kryta; along the Northern border where the slight forest just meets the snowy caps of the Shiverpeak Mountains.

Silent Valley Temple is located in a small nook in the midst of these mountains, the entrance to the valley easy to miss and the valley floor dominated by plant life and brush with peaks rising on either side. Towards the back of the valley lies a temple resting against the high cliff face, with a winding rock path leading down to the floor; easy to get to if you can find it, but difficult if you do not know the way. To help travellers the occupants of the temple have set up small lantern markers throughout the valley to light the way along the path. The temple itself is a self sustaining community, with a small ammount of inhabitants and a large variety of wares. The valley is humid and breezy in Summer but cold and somewhat speckled in snow during Winter and its inhabitants are well accustomed to the changing weather. The valley is visited sometimes by wary travellers seeking to trade with the temple's cheerful owners, but rarely does anyone try to settle there; due to the laberynth of trees on the valley floor. The valley is quite renowned for the healing properties of some of the herbs and plants that can be found there, along with the plentiful game that lurk in it's depths; including the elusive Yǐnshēn Bird that sometimes steals things from the populace. The community likes the harmony with nature that their residence brings and is wary of the new technology of the rest of Tyria, particularly of that of the Charr; with their firey contraptions and steel machinations. This guardedness has been caused by the past gossip and rumours of travellers about the war machine of the Charr, they are not taken fully to these tales though and will still do business with any patron if the price is right and if afterwards the whispers are as silent as the valley. -- 09:29, 12 May 2011 (UTC)