Feedback:User/R ing/"Silent" emotes

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Emotes are an excellent tool for roleplay. Unfortunately, attached descriptive text--especially if it's goofy or negatively phrased--makes the animations less useful than they otherwise would be. For example, if I want my character to gesture lazily, but the hypothetical /gesture emote's text reads something like: "Player gestures disdainfully. What a bore!" it changes the entire meaning of what that character is doing, and I'm limited to typing out a customized line of text with no animation. This is a shame, because most emote animations are so expressive that they could potentially be used for a variety of situations and meanings interchangeably, and add a lot of theatrical flair to roleplaying.

My request is for a command that would allow players to uncouple the default descriptive text from emote animations, and use the animation alone. I first encountered this option in Final Fantasy XI, and I've missed it a great deal in every MMO I've played since. FFXI's implementation is the addition of "motion" to the end of an emote command (i.e. "/wave motion" produces a waving animation with no text). Something similar which is purely optional, can be used on the fly, and doesn't take the fun of the descriptive text out for those who like it would be ideal.

Not only would this allow players to make imaginative use of emote animations, but on a more practical note, it would allow us to adjust our poor characters' seating arrangements as many times as necessary without spamming the local chat channel with announcements to that effect ("Player sits. Player sits. Player sits. Player sits."...).

Thank you for your time!