Feedback:User/Scourge 213/Necromancer Minion HP Regeneration

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The Suggestion[edit]

All necromancer minions to regenerate health out of combat(the same logic as Ranger's pet) - probably not included for bone minions and jagged horrors.


In both PvP and PvE(mostly PvE actually), the necromancer's pets take a lot of damage, but are usualy not killed. If a necromancer have all heal+utility+elite skills to be minions(which is 1 minion per slot except bone minions that are 2) and they are damaged badly(20% or less hp) the necro needs to: change his utility(to remove the minion), change it back and cast it, the same thing 1-5 times will take no less than 4 seconds(up to 20 for all slots) and will be... quite annoying. If there is regeneration this process of 5 times switch,switch,cast after each fight, just to reset their minions, will be no more.
The Exception: If the bone minions don't have cooldown so even if they are at low hp they can be sacrificed for damage and resummoned, as for the jagged horrors - they are just extras for the necro so they don't need regeneration also.
When the players have regeneration and the ranger's pet have regeneration why not the minions to have?

Origins of the idea[edit]

I observed a multiple necro PvE and PvP gameplay videos, but 1 of the latest PvE videos made me feel quite unpleasant - the necro summoned most his minions (2 bone minions, 1 bone fiend, 1 blood fiend and 1 flesh golem), after just 2 waves of easy mobs all the minions were left at 5-30% hp, so the next weave extinguished the minions in a flash and the necro's dps output and defence dropped dramatically...