Feedback:User/Shai Halud/A Name for the Alliance of the Five Races

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I suggest that there should be a name for the five allied races. Until now we have had to refer to them as "the five races" or the "five playable races" and that will do, but I'd like for there to be a separate name which refers to all those races which are at peace with one another. It simplifies things and also is more specific as, technically, there are more than five races in Guild Wars and other playable races maybe added in the future. The exact name should probably reflect how the peace between the races came about. It could also be called the Tyrian League or Tyrian Alliance or the Five Race Alliance and so forth. Anyway, it should include a word describing the organization such as "league" or "alliance" so that we can refer to the playable races by a single word ("The League" or "The Alliance" for instance, though the word "Alliance", specifically, should probably be avoided).