Feedback:User/Sirrush/Respawning faster when Downed

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Letting an enemy downed character 'bleed out' has several advantages. 1) You can return back to battle somewhere else. 2) The downed player is mostly useless, unless someone happens to walk by. This is somewhat offset by the fact that an ally can come to ress the downed player. But when you're in a 5v4 battle and you're on the losing side, you're not going to want to put yourself at an even bigger disadvantage.

However, for the player who is downed with nothing to do, it is most of all gonna be boring. To help somewhat alleviate this issue, without necessarily killing the advantage the opposing team gains from having an enemy downed/defeated:


Once there are no players within casting range for 5-10 seconds, enable a "Kill Yourself" button, so that you can kill yourself and you respawn faster, but as an added downside, the next 5-10 attacks that hit enemies deal 25-50% less damage.