Feedback:User/Skekzyz/GW2 is NOT Finished, but don't take it away...

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GW2 still needs[edit]

  2. 'Close all dialogs' bind.
  3. Key strokes <F12>, <C> for Character Select Screen.
  4. Confirm on soulbinding ANYTHING, specifically dye.
  5. Binding options for non-weapon skill select pop-up menus. {this is meant for here it is not a want, it is a NEED, that stinking little bar above the skill is just not big enough}
  6. 'Swim down' bind should make you go below water when at surface. REMOVE WATER JUMPING WHEN AT SURFACE! This should only be possible right next to shore, dolphin may be in the game but it is not a playable race.
  7. Remember ALL dialogs positions and sizes, make all sizable, NPCs in particular, like bank ect.
  8. 'Compact' option for banks/vaults.
  9. There should be a way to ping a party member. Double Click on the party portrait/slice of said ally, and a ping shows like un-unlocked waypoints or personal waypoints against the edge of the compass/mini-map or on it if near enough.
  10. 'Stay on Overflow/Don't ask again' option. <---- THIS IS BECOMING INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
  11. Movable UI elements. At least the target display and action swatch.

Things I would like to see in GW2[edit]

  1. WoW like user created addons, but that's a pipe dream I'm afraid. {the only thing I miss about that game}
  2. 'Look right', 'look left' bindings along with 'look behind'.
  3. 'Auto-sell junk' check box.
  4. Skill 'out of range' indicator option to have the number redded out or both the red underline and red number.
  5. A 'sort' function in inventory to group like items.
  6. Ability/binds to 'Call Red', 'Call Orange', 'Call Yellow' targets.
  7. If 'always show names' is checked, holding the bind to 'show' should hide instead.

bind = hotkey --Skekzyz 12:30, 25 August 2012 (UTC) edited --Skekzyz 09:32, 26 August 2012 (UTC)