Feedback:User/Skekzyz/Key Binds and UI Customizability

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The addition of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt modifiers is a wonderful step forward in customizability (imo should have a check box to enable this if one wants it or not) and at one point during BWE2 I believe it was possible to multi-bind one key to more than one action (it may have depended on the action or it was just a bug) but if that sort of thing was left in and controlled like only allowing certain things to be multi-bound I feel it would be an even greater step toward what I like to call Ultra-customizability (i.e. Quake 2 console scripting, WoW add-ons, ect.). For instance what does it hurt to allow both Inventory and Hero panel to open with the same key? Movement keys may be the best exception for this, but would still not be the worst option as only certain moves should be combinded all the time, and with the mechanic of the dodge and jump only triggering if neither is in progress it would negate those being bound to the same key.

I have noticed a few items missing from the bind list like 'open/hide chat panel', 'close all dialogs', and would love to have binds for opening the skill switchers above 6-0, anything beyond just opening it would probably be asking for too much though. I would love to see an option to make 'show all enemies' and 'show all allies' a toggle feature like a show/hide bind acts, along side of the 'show always' check boxes. BTW thank you for adding the Show/Hide UI to the binds list, I changed it already. The option to 'dodge on double-tap' is awesome but is not very responsive, I found that I was hitting the direction I wanted to dodge toward about 4-5 times before it would happen. (it could just be my crappy computer tho) Would also like to thank you for changing the hints and such to reflect the changed binds but would love to have the left line of binds actually reflect properly where 1-0 on the skill bar is shown if changed.

Edit: 2012/6/30 - The implementation of a moveable/scalable interface is something I expect by ship date but just in case... The mini map is fine square but would be really cool if you could give it a transparency slider or on/off toggle in the binds or both, again still need the open/hide chat panel too. I will edit this again for BWE3 of course but being able to move/scale that damn '[G] Talk' swatch would be wonderful. The skill bar should be stackable with either set of 5 on top or bottom, with the health orb switchable to either side or a bar on top or bottom. I think 'show/hide quest text' is missing too. So in short thanks for the hide all UI now make each part moveable/scalable/hideable/opaque-transparent, and it will be finished.